Whether you workout in the morning, at noon or at night, planning - TopicsExpress


Whether you workout in the morning, at noon or at night, planning meals to include the right nutrients before and after your exercise will fuel your body and help you achieve your fitness goals. Wake up and work out. There’s a reason why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After 12 hours without food, your body is in a fasted state. Sleep deprives your brain of glucose levels and depletes glycogen stores in your muscles. If you like to exercise bright and early, try an easily digestible snack before exercise, such as a cup of yogurt and berries or granola. This helps to provide enough fuel to keep muscles fed and blood sugar well balanced during your workout. If you’re planning another hard session tomorrow, be sure to grab a post-workout recovery snack or beverage like water, trail mix and a fresh orange or chocolate milk. A lunch that works. By lunch time, your breakfast has worn off and if you haven’t had a snack, your body is likely in need of some more energy. For those who workout during the lunch hour, plan a mid-morning snack that is light enough prior to the workout, but offers enough fuel for the exercise. Consider an apple and cheese, or half a bagel, peanut butter and a banana at least an hour before your workout. Once the workout is over, you can then have your lunch, which should include nutrient-rich choices like a salad with tuna and cheese, or a whole grain sandwich with lean meat and vegetables and a glass of milk. Avoid skipping meals, as a well-planned lunch will not only give you the energy and nutrients you need to refuel after your workout, but it will also help you get through the rest of your day. The after-work crowd. If you prefer to exercise in the late afternoon, it’s a great idea to plan a light snack prior to your workout. By including protein and some carbs, such as a healthy smoothie made with white milk and fruit, or a hard-boiled egg and a glass of juice, you can help to bring up your blood sugar levels and provide enough fuel for a great workout. You can plan to bring these to work or enjoy on your way home before your after-work exercise. The evening athlete. If you are someone who likes working out late at night, be sure to fuel up about three hours before with a well-balance dinner. Dinner could include high protein foods like chicken breast, steak or fish and carbohydrate-rich foods like rice, potatoes or other veggies and water or milk to drink. Since this may be the last food your body will get before morning, a recovery snack or beverage after your workout will help with tomorrow’s training by providing the nutrition your body needs to rehydrate, refuel and recharge. Try chocolate milk, cereal with milk or whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, as protein-carb-fluid combinations are the best for recovery. The right kind of fuel. Regardless of the time you choose to exercise, it’s essential to plan your meals and snacks around your workout to provide the amount of energy needed to fuel your body. Recharge with chocolate milk after today’s workout to help make tomorrow’s even better.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 18:40:39 +0000

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