Whew! Are you all recovered from that magnificent genius festival - TopicsExpress


Whew! Are you all recovered from that magnificent genius festival yesterday? What an amazing crew of genius campers we have in our midst! Here we are at day 7, week one almost complete! Today were going to ride the wild white water rapids of streaming genius fllow. So genius helmets and Life vests on, lets pile into your boats, and were off to ride the wild waves of genius flow! Yes, genius already resides within each and every one of us. Weve spent this week getting that inner genius to come out to play. AND genius also lives in the air around us, waiting for us to slide onto its wave and ride it on through. To ride the streaming genius flow .... 1. Go to wild open. Take a breath of sunshine and let your inner genius soar into the air around you. 2. Plug into the genius flow. Put your boat in an imaginary river of possibility, and let yourself be caught up in a wave thats been waiting just for you. 3. Let that wave ride you. Become the wave. Celebrate the movement. Exhilarate your moment of riding genius on through. Feel it. Talk with it. Make friends with it. The wave and you are soaring together onto new shores. 4. Dont try to think what this is. Feel it. Absorb it. Let it become part of you. Then put your fingers to the keyboard or your paint brush to the canvas or let the song flow from your lips and the dance from your feet. The wave is peaking through you and you and it are one profound moment in movement! How does that feel? Play with it. Trust it. Let the genius wave roll on through. I find that streaming genius flow is one of the most exhilarating things you can do! So a big yahooo! Boats to the ready. Were off into the River of Genius! Feel free to comment below what you discoverd in and as streaming genius flow!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:16:10 +0000

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