Whew Carrie. Challenge accepted. 20 things you should know about - TopicsExpress


Whew Carrie. Challenge accepted. 20 things you should know about me: 1. I LOVE facebook! It has re-connected me and put me in touch with people that have become my best friends. 2. I have the two most awesome kids in the world who have given me awesome in-laws and grandkids. So proud of them. And I have a good husband whom I love dearly. 3. I am proudly Christian but do not belittle anyones faith or lack of. 4. I love all my friends and love my kids friends. All the kids that have passed through my home have a special place in my heart. 5. I love listening to people, give good and honest advice and will take a secret to the grave. I talk way too much but am a good listener. 6. I never judge people which allows me to be a good judge of character. Haha. Work that one out. I might judge a persons actions but will never judge the person. 7. I write poetry and short stories and love it! 8. I have a gift for dream analysis and tea cup reading (although I dont do the latter anymore) 9. My cats are my life. 10. I love jacarandas, willows, toadstools (even the word), frogs and mice. 11. I hate Christmas with every fibre of my being. 12. I hate my appearance completely and hate being fat and not being able to walk as it impedes my journey. 13. I hate people telling me what to think or feel or how I am thinking or feeling. 14. I suffer from severe depression, sleep disorder and feelings of complete inadequacy in every area but have the best sense of humour in the world. 15. I have no desire to travel anywhere except in my own country. 16. I am not good with babies but love old people and teenagers - especially with attitude. 17. I am unimpressed with wealth but very impressed with class and intelligence. My mother was neither wealthy nor well educated but she was classy and very clever. 18. I am scared of the dark, needles, meeting people and insanity. 19. I am not at all materialistic and dont hold on to things. I find it difficult to accept gifts. 20. I dont believe the Americans landed on the moon. I nominate Anne Els and Jenny Hocking Macdonald for the challenge.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:13:57 +0000

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