Whew! It was a good thing that JJ learned how to drive before - TopicsExpress


Whew! It was a good thing that JJ learned how to drive before Marie went into labor! He had literally just learned how to drive two weeks before Marie went into labor. Ariel taught him. Hes smart, so it didnt take him no time to learn. The day Marie went into labor, she was home alone. Claire was out at the local card shack doing what she does best, gamble. Marie was sitting at the table, eating some yogurt when all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain shoot down her back. Ouch! She yells as she grabs her back. She sits back in the chair scared and confused. She sat as still as she can when five minutes later, she felt the exact same pain again, but only this time it was in her private woman area. She knew this was it. Besides, she was two weeks past her due date. She decided to call her mother Claire. The phone just rang and rang. Since Claire didnt answer she left her a voicemail Hey Mom, it me, Marie. I think its time. Im scared so please hurry and call me back. She managed to get through the voicemail without breaking down because she was definitely crying while leaving it. The pain is getting more intense and she just cannot take it anymore. She thought for a second before she called JJ. Her mother told her that she didnt want any of The Frios there when she gave birth to her grandchild. Since not approving of Candice getting married to JaMarquis, Claire has not talked to any of them, and has forbidden Marie to do the same. Although Claire didnt know, Marie continued to keep in contact with JJ, her big sister Candice, and the rest of the family. Since they found out she was pregnant, both Jared and Ariel told her that if she needed their help for anything, to just let them know. They knew that it couldnt be easy being pregnant and living under Claires roof. When they first learned of Maries pregnancy a few weeks ago, they were shocked because Claire claim to run a tight ship... Forget it! Marie says as she dials JJs number. He answers on the first ring. JJ: Hello? Marie: (Through tears) Baby I need you. JJ: Are you crying? Need me how? Do you need me to come over? Marie: I think the baby is on the way and I need a ride to... JJ: (Cuts her off) Im on my way! Marie: Please dont hang up, stay on the phone with me. Im so scared right now. Please hurry. (Just then she feels as though she has to use the bathroom and go sit on the toilet.) JJs parents Jared and Ariel were out for date night, Candice and JaMarquis were at work. He thought to himself How am I going to get to Marie? Just then he noticed his moms car keys on the coffee table. Jared and Ariel must have both rode in Jareds car for the night. Without thinking about the consequences, JJ grabbed the keys, told Bria he would be back in a little while and was out of the door. He heard Bria yelling something at him, but didnt have time to listen to her threats of telling their parents on him. He put his cell on speakerphone, it on the passenger seat and yells into it Im on my way baby. He pulls up to The Ursine household where Marie is standing on the porch. He noticed that she had a suitcase with her and it immediately hit him that this is the real thing. She explained to him on the way to the hospital that she only wanted him to drop her off, because of what her mother said. JJ: Dont you think she should drop the B.S. and make an exception for this occasion? Damn. JJ doesnt like to swear but he was so upset. Marie: I know she should, but you know how my Mom is. JJ: Well I dont care what she says, Im not leaving you. Marie: Please do as I say and leave. I dont want any problems with my Mom JJ. JJ reluctantly agrees to drop her off and leave, making her promise to keep in touch with him every step of the way. It began to rain heavily. They pulled up to the hospital and Marie is in intense pain. JJ really dont want to leave her, but he dont want to upset her. She kisses him through clenched teeth and walks to the entrance of the hospital. JJ watched as she went into the hospital. He stayed and watched her until she disappeared into the building. Marie felt so bad about not allowing JJ to come in with her. It wasnt her decision though, it was her mothers. She is still trying to prepare herself mentally for the performance that she has coming up. Not to give birth, but to play as if two different men are the father of her baby. She hate that she has to do this, but Claire told her that it is the only way to ensure that the baby and them are well taken care of...Just then her cell rang. It was her mother Claire. Hey babygirl. I got your message! She says excitedly. Im on my way! She was excited because she had actually lost a wad of money in the card game that she had just left, and was ready to collect some more money from her grandchilds fathers. She had already told the both of them that Marie was pregnant and they were the father. Of course none of them knew that the other were told the exact same thing. The businessman was excited, but the mayor wasnt so much. They both wanted to keep the entire situation discreet for different reasons. The business man because he has a wife that he has yet to get pregnant and because of the age difference of him and Marie. The mayor because, well, hes the mayor. He has a wife and children. He is a model in the community and stand to lose a lot if anyone ever found out about his extra curricular activities or love child. Claire was on her way to the hospital to be with her daughter and had already informed the men that Marie was in labor. She told both of them that she would call them with more updates. She drove the rest of the way with a huge smile on her face, proud of herself.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 01:09:36 +0000

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