Which 12 animals lunar chinese sign are you? 2014 is the Year of - TopicsExpress


Which 12 animals lunar chinese sign are you? 2014 is the Year of the Horse according to Chinese zodiac. The Year of the Horse starts from Jan. 31, 2014 (the Lunar New Year / Spring Festival of China) and lasts to Feb. 18, 2015. travelchinaguide/intro/social_customs/zodiac/ [ Rat ] 1 , hard to eat soft food . 2 , often duplicity . 3 , very optimistic and very pessimistic. 4 , security is much note, a little emotional. Some words do not say even afraid to miss . 5 , often cheat people . Be careful little soft , a little sensitive , a little over the top . 6, the fear of injury . always says hes not alone , in fact, very lonely . 7 , from the cold in front of strangers , acquaintances before the very naughty . 8 , the total performance is very strong, in fact, very weak. 9 , the total was misunderstood , but noted explain . [ arrow ] 1 , obsessive-compulsive disorder , nervousness . Every night before going to sleep did note the feel of the window shut , the door lock did note . 2 , loyal . Like when a person like death, eyes Can not tolerate a sand. 3, a small lonely little arrogant . Frown over many things . 4 , Nostalgia . A favorite song you can listen to N years . 5, the Fear of Loneliness . always laughing and joking before . 6 , lover cares very Paranoid , Neurotica tendencies, do not let go easily . 7 , overbearing . Quarrel with strong performance , and afterwards set aside to coax people . 8 , mounted on a strong love , people sympathize . 9 , feel good , in fact, a little bold people speechless [ Tiger ] 1 , Stubborn . Encounter nasty people would rather suffer nor to each other for help. 2 , outspoken frankly , hate being deceived. 3 , Apathy . Downloadable entanglement for him and people have been very obvious. 4 , tactless does note hold a grudge Sophisticated . Failing often hesitate difficult choice. 5 , no patience for complicated things easy to give up. 6 , good-natured and helpful. Even if you do not like it try to finish . 7 , relented . Even injured , he could not say a note if an apology does not matter . 8 , in front of strangers, very quiet and very slow , cooked very naughty . 9 , a little temper but very forbear . Scratch easily reveal their character and heart. [ Rabbit ] 1 , I like to pretend strong, fitted cold, unpredictable. 2 , hidden Sadness. They want others to comfort him , give him a sense of security. 3 , i love fantasy . I hope people understand him, love him , he wanted to give . 4 , romantic and considerate. Attentive care their loved ones . 5 , boyish appearance , the heart is very mature. 6, the fear of being ignored , people do not care to show it . 7 , inner countless hidden secrets, and only the most intimate to share . 8 , slow heat. Very quiet in front of strangers . Met the happy things will go on, youll hide unhappy cry . 9 , emotional. Hollywood spoiled super sticky . Like to stay in bed . [ Dragon ] 1 , overbearing and a strong desire to control , in fact, is not the sense of security, like the dominant , is praise . 2 , tidy , even the male lion is very tidy . 3, like the cranky , more extreme character. 4 , like naked . 5 , lacrimal gland developed , easily moved. Like physical contact with the wife , Can not wait to rub it into the kind of body . 6, some pessimistic. There is a strong sense of Dependence . 7 , paranoid , demanding perfection. Has a dual personality, very resistant to someone approached . 8 , often Showing care, indifferent attitude , in fact, the heart is very awkward . 9 , often show strong, in fact , the heart is very Fragile Loneliness. [ Snake ] 1 , sensitive, suspicious . Like cranky , love into a dead end . 2 , calm. Even then a big heart and downs are very calm and rational . 3, the fear of losing . Debu lukewarm total performance makes it difficult to close . 4 , Siyaomianzai love overexert . Even simple Performed also very strong. 5 , lack of patience a little selfish. hate and love themselves and others late . 6 , innocently in love with him , to help do him a lot of things , even though they do not love themselves. 7 , The Pursuit of Perfection. Anything is hope for the best . 8 , love contests . Critical Moment perfunctory , scraps have any effect on him. 9 , gentle kind heart , youll always stick around at a friends lover . [ Horse ] 1 , for the sake of others , often trying to change myself to meet each other. 2 , looks warm and friendly , comfortable environment inside Pursuit . 3, the most beloved people tend to runaway temper , foreign people and good people often say that good . 4 , love to sleep , for most people, and things got a note of the idea , do not care too self around , hot and cold. 5 , super lazy, hold adaptable to anything attitude . 6 , timid and afraid to fail , always Showing tough side. 7 , cherish friendship became his Buddies to go through a long eventful . 8 , it is patience , nothing in my heart to bear their own . 9 , do not love fighting , is considered to be without competition for their own . [ Sheep ] 1 , Forgetful . Whether that important things are easy to forget . Do not hold a grudge . 2 , paranoid pessimism , the pursuit of perfection, there is a Slight obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessive . 3 , love crush , a little boring show . 4 , easy to be moved. Attentive, and people do not want to care about . 5 , black and white. Like to be sure and trust, hate playing jokes . 6 Playing heavy heart . , Love, Freedom , hate to be tied oppression. Like the challenge . 7 , dual personality , character more extreme . Slightly autistic. 8, the desire to be understood , but not luxury night. On the ulterior motives of the people will be able to see through the one , and Turned a blind eye . 9 , attaches great importance to first impressions , and death is almost a given , see . [ Monkey ] 1 , hard to eat soft food , often duplicity . 2 , optimistic and pessimistic. little insecure , a little emotional. 3 , a friend for help often responsive, so easily deceived. 4, the fear of injury . Strangers cold , familiar after laughing . 5 , pretending to be strong , in fact, very weak , but do not want to be misunderstood explanation . sentimental, always trivial Tangle . 6 , strong violence somewhat confident self-esteem . HATE DEALING with people , stay at home all year round . 7 , super lazy , love to sleep and in a daze , good fool . 8 , like money but do not care, I Hate Doing Pointless Things . 9 , like intentionally drives people crazy , fear of being left out and do not care. [ Rooster ] 1 , attractive . Individuation or introverted are very attractive for others . 2 , vengeful . Scorpions do not easily offended , and he may never remember . 3 , angry crazy scorpion Is Not Terrible, silent scorpion was The Most Terrible. 4 , mysterious. always want others to know their heart. 5 , keen intuition . Do not play tricks in front of the scorpion. 6 , perseverance and Ganaiganhen . Continue to share, but is easy to grief . 7 , passive. Heart was so Touched, because he is willing to take the initiative of prey. 8 , rational people lose interest in the cold , treat your lover but emotional. 9 , possessive strong . exclusive , hate and love to share . [ Dog ] 1 , like simple , do not like trouble and feeling tired . 2 , forgetfulness does not hold a grudge . As long as he does not touch the bottom line , everything is gone. 3, love to fight hard , hard work. 4 , others on his behalf good given a double your money back . 5 , born to co-ordinate planning experts , scheduling and strong. 6 , Stubborn. knowing that it is wrong must go forward , hit a brick wall put the wall Torn down to go. 7 , hate to make a decision . Even different colors also make them upset for a long time . 8 , love to laugh, laugh a little small on what is written on his face. 9 , love and hate , do not give people who do not like the slightest chance of your favorite people super connivance . [ Pig ] 1 , like to eat , top food goods . 2 , overbearing , There is a strong possessive. 3 , lazy , super trouble . 4 , love to tease people , and afterwards often smug . 5 , super- narcissism , nothing to love smug . 6 , shy , but youll Encounter people like alienating . 7 , Zin , turn a blind eye to strangers . 8 , Stubborn, good at work . 9 , too gentle, often spoiled lover . 【属鼠】 1、吃软不吃硬。 2、经常口是心非。 3、很乐观又很悲观。 4、安全感不多,有点感性。有些话即使害怕错过也不说。 5、常常被人骗。有点小心软、小敏感、小洁癖。 6、害怕受伤。总说自己不孤单,其实很寂寞。 7、在陌生人面前很冷澹,熟人面前很闹腾。 8、总表现的很坚强,其实很软弱。 9、总被人误解,却不愿解释。 【属牛】 1、强迫症,神经质。每晚睡觉前都觉得窗没关,门没锁。 2、专一。喜欢一个人时喜欢的要死,眼里容不下一粒沙子。 3、小孤僻,小高傲。看不惯的东西超多。 4、恋旧。一首喜欢的歌可以听N年。 5、害怕孤独。人前总是嘻嘻哈哈。 6、对爱人很偏执在乎,有神经质倾向,不轻易放手。 7、霸道。跟人吵架表现强势,事后放下架子来哄人。 8、爱装坚强,让人疼惜。 9、自我感觉良好,其实有点冒失让人无语 【属虎】 1、倔强。遇到讨厌的人,宁可受罪也不向对方求助。 2、率真坦白,讨厌被欺骗。 3、冷漠。对惹火他和纠缠不休的人表现得异常明显。 4、不圆滑不世故不记仇。遇事常犹豫,难以选择。 5、对繁琐的事情没耐心,容易放弃。 6、心地善良,乐于助人。即使不喜欢的也尽力完成。 7、心软。即使受伤,一旦对方道歉便忍不住说没关系。 8、陌生人面前很安静很慢热,熟了很闹腾。 9、有点小脾气但很隐忍。不轻易表露自己性情和内心。 【属兔】 1、喜欢装坚强,装冷酷,让人捉摸不透。 2、隐藏悲伤。却希望别人安慰他、给他安全感。 3、爱幻想。希望有人懂他、爱他、能给他所想要的。 4、浪漫体贴。细心关爱自己爱的人。 5、外表孩子气,内心却很成熟。 6、害怕被忽略,对人关心也不表露出来。 7、内心藏着无数秘密,只和最亲密的人分享。 8、慢热。陌生人面前十分文静。遇见开心的事会说个不停,不开心会躲起来哭。 9、情绪化。爱撒娇,超级黏人。喜欢赖床。 【属龙】 1、霸道且控制欲强,其实是没安全感,喜欢占主导地位,被赞美。 2、爱整洁,即使是狮子男也十分爱整洁。 3、喜欢胡思乱想,性格较极端。 4、喜欢裸睡。 5、泪腺发达,易被感动。喜欢跟爱人身体接触,恨不得把身体揉进去那种。 6、有些悲观。有较强的依赖感。 7、偏执,苛求完美。具有双重性格,很抗拒有人走近。 8、经常表现出不在乎,无所谓的态度,其实内心别扭的很。 9、常表现强势,其实内心十分脆弱孤独。 【属蛇】 1、敏感多疑。喜欢胡思乱想,爱钻牛角尖。 2、冷静。即使内心起伏再大也十分理智冷静。 3、害怕失去。总表现得不冷不热让人难以靠近。 4、死要面子爱逞强。即使伤心也表现得十分强势。 5、缺乏耐心有点小自私。讨厌等人自己又爱迟到。 6、傻傻爱着他、帮他做很多事,即使对方不爱自己。 7、追求完美。任何事情都希望做到最好。 8、爱较真。关键时刻敷衍了事,在他身上起不到任何作用。 9、内心温和善良,会一直坚守在朋友爱人身边。 【属马】 1、替他人着想,常试图改变自己迎合对方。 2、外表亲切热情,内心追求安逸的环境。 3、对最亲爱的人容易暴走脾气,对外人和善常被说人好。 4、爱睡觉,对多数人和事不上心,不在意周围太自我,忽冷忽热。 5、超懒散,对任何事都抱随遇而安的态度。 6、胆小害怕失败,却总表现出强悍的一面。 7、珍惜友谊,成为他死党要很久经历多事。 8、很忍耐,什么事都放在心里自己承受。 9、不爱争抢,认为属于自己的是不需争抢的。 【属羊】 1、善忘。不论重不重要的事都容易忘记。不记仇。 2、偏执悲观、追求完美,有轻微强迫症和洁癖。 3、热爱暗恋,有点闷骚。 4、容易被感动。心思细腻,不愿与人计较。 5、黑白分明。喜欢被肯定和信任,讨厌耍心机。 6、玩心重。热爱自由,讨厌被束缚压迫。喜欢挑战。 7、双重人格,性格较极端。有轻微自闭。 8、渴望被理解,却不奢求理解。对别有用心之人一眼就能看穿,并视若无睹。 9、非常注重第一印象,几乎一见定生死。 【属猴】 1、吃软不吃硬,经常口是心非。 2、乐观又悲观。安全感不多,有点感性。 3、朋友求助常有求必应,所以易被骗。 4、害怕受伤。对陌生人冷冷的,熟悉后就嘻嘻哈哈。 5、故作坚强,其实很软弱,被人误解却不愿解释。多愁善感,总为小事纠结。 6、自尊心暴强有点不自信。讨厌和人打交道,常年宅在家。 7、超懒,最爱睡觉和发呆,擅长装傻。 8、喜欢钱但不在乎,讨厌干没有意义的事。 9、喜欢故意让人抓狂,最怕被冷落和不在乎。 【属鸡】 1、有魅力。个性张扬或内敛都对旁人很有吸引力。 2、记仇。别轻易得罪蝎子,他可能一辈子都记得。 3、生气抓狂的蝎子不可怕,沉默的蝎子才最可怕。 4、神秘。总希望别人了解自己内心。 5、直觉敏锐。不要在蝎子面前玩花招。 6、执着且敢爱敢恨。不断付出却又容易走向悲愤。 7、被动。因碰不到心动得让他愿意主动出击的猎物。 8、对失去兴趣的人理性冷酷,对待爱人却感情用事。 9、占有欲强烈。喜欢独占讨厌和人分享。 【属狗】 1、喜欢简单,不喜欢麻烦和累的感觉。 2、健忘不记仇。只要没碰他底线,一切都是过眼云烟。 3、有斗志爱拼搏,刻苦努力。 4、别人对他好定加倍奉还的代表。 5、天生的统筹规划专家,计划性强。 6、固执。明知是错也要往前走,撞了南墙就把墙拆了继续走。 7、讨厌做决定。就算是颜色不同也会让他们苦恼半天。 8、爱笑,一点小事就笑逐颜开,什么都写在脸上。 9、爱憎分明,不给自己不喜欢的人丝毫机会,对自己喜欢的人超级纵容。 【属猪】 1、喜欢吃,顶级吃货。 2、霸道,有很强占有欲。 3、懒,超级怕麻烦。 4、爱捉弄人,事后还经常自鸣得意。 5、超自恋,没事就爱臭美。 6、容易害羞,遇到喜欢的人反而会疏远。 7、外冷内热,对陌生人视而不见。 8、固执,不善于变通。 9、过于温柔,经常把爱人惯坏。
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 03:54:42 +0000

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