Which Bible Translation--Does make a Difference! There is the - TopicsExpress


Which Bible Translation--Does make a Difference! There is the story of four Bible scholars who were arguing over Bible translations. One said he preferred the King James Version because of its eloquent old English, another preferred the American Standard because of its literalism, and a third preferred the way the Moffatt translation captured the reader’s attention. After giving the issue considerable thought, the fourth Bible scholar admitted, “I have personally preferred my mother’s translation.” The other Bible scholars chuckled, but he explained, “Yes, she translated each page of the Bible into her life. It is the most convincing Bible Translation I have ever seen.” You may have heard someone say, “My life is an open book.” Well, it certainly is with children. They are reading about life from every page you live. They are finding answers to many of life’s questions: How, as a wife, am I supposed to love and honor my husband? How am I supposed to spend my money? How should a Christian act in different situations? 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Therefore if anyone is in (Jesus the) Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 18 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled (made Peace and Restored) us to Himself through Christ and gave us (as Born Again Believers) the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. ARE PEOPLE SEEING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS AND LOVE OF GOD IN YOU, AS A BORN AGAIN BELIEVER? ARE THEY COMING TO KNOW GOD BY YOUR LIFE? Not only are children reading the pages of our lives to learn what a Christian looks and acts like, but they also are reading us to draw conclusions about what God is like. Think back to how you first thought about God? In your eyes, was He a harsh taskmaster who sat in the clouds, looking down with disdain every time you made a mistake? Did He carry a big stick, ready to whip you into shape? Did He keep a big score book where He made notations when you did something bad and gave you stars when you did something good? Or did you see Him as a loving Father with children clamoring around His feet and climbing into His welcoming lap? Did you see Him as a Daddy who tucked His children in at night and listened to them talk about anything and everything? Did you see Him as being not mad, but very hurt when you made a mistake? One time, a very self-righteous, prideful and boastful Sunday school teacher was preaching to his class on the importance of Holy living. With his head held high and chest thrust out, he strutted back and forth across the room. He asked, “Now, children, why do people call me a Christian?” There was a moment of silence. Then one boy raised his hand. “Yes?” asked the teacher. “Probably because they don’t know you very well,” responded the boy. They had read the pages of the teacher’s life and he had come up wanting. Yes, all of us, proclaiming to be Born Again Believers are showing people a Bible Translation each day of our lives. You are writing a gospel, A chapter each day. By deeds that you do, By words that you say. Men, Women, and children, read what you write, Whether it is faithless or true. Say, what is the gospel, According to you?’ by Paul Gilbert Which Bible Translation you use, does make a Difference! ***1 Corinthians 15:1-4, tells you the Pure Gospel of Grace for Salvation*** https://youtube/watch?v=NnXrLZPFiyM
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:59:33 +0000

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