Which Comes First? Sooner or later anyone who reads the Bible - TopicsExpress


Which Comes First? Sooner or later anyone who reads the Bible will come to the point where they want to and even feel obligated to do something for God. One of the main purposes of man is to serve, honor and glorify his Creator. There is a great lesson, however, in Isaiah 06:1-8 NIV which teaches that prior to “doing” something for God we are called on to “be” something for Him. Isaiah had a divine ordination into ministry when God said, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” The prophet’s response to that call was, “Here am I. Send me.” Prior to the Lord’s call and the prophet’s response was the time Isaiah had spent in the temple in the very presence of God. The overwhelming holiness of God that caused angels in the throne room to continually bow before the One seated on the throne while calling out, “Holy, holy, holy” is what caused Isaiah to recognize his condition, repent of it and worship the Creator. This passage teaches that our service for the Lord is a spontaneous outflow of our encounter of His presence in worship. There are many places in Scripture where “being” precedes “doing.” Let the focus of today emphasize being in His presence, worshiping Him and being holy as He is holy. Out of this will flow dynamic ministry. Our “doing” is a natural by-product of our “being.”
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:05:07 +0000

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