Which MEPs voted against EU-Ukraine association? (via Anne - TopicsExpress


Which MEPs voted against EU-Ukraine association? (via Anne Applebaum) Basically extreme-left and extreme-right MEPs voted against the ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, according to the monitoring by Vote Watch Europe. The European Parliament in Strasbourg and the Ukrainian Parliament in Kyiv simultaneously ratified yesterday (16 September) the landmark EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (AA). MEPs backed the agreement with 535 votes in favour, 127 against and 35 abstentions. The monitoring by Vote Watch Europe provided insight as to how each individual MEP voted, including the names of the MEPs. Accordingly, 14 MEPs from Austria vote for and 4 against. Those who voted against are from the far-right Freedom party. From Belgium, 18 MEPs voted for and one MEP from the centre-right Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) voted against. From Bulgaria, all 14 MEPs voted for, with no votes against and no abstentions. Also from Croatia, all 11 MEPs voted for, without negative votes or abstentions. From Cyprus, 4 MEPs voted for and 2 against. Those who voted against are from the communist “Progressive Party of Working People – Left – New forces”. From the Czech Republic, 15 MEPs voted in favour and 4 against. One of them, Jan Keller, is a Social Democrat, another one, Petr Mach is from the Eurosceptic “Party of Free Citizens” and three are from the Communist party. From Denmark, 6 MPEPs voted for. The only MEP who voted against is from the Eurosceptic “Peoples’ movement against the EU”. All six MEPs from Estonia voted for, without negative votes or abstentions. From Finland, 12 MEPs voted for, nobody voted against and one communist MEP abstained. France is the country with the largest number of votes against. 42 French MEPs voted for and 27 against, of which 24 from the far-right Front National and 4 from extreme left forces. From Germany, 73 MEPs voted for, and 10 against. One of those voting against is from the green “Ecology-Democratic Party”, one is from the Eurosceptic “Alternative for Germany, five are from the leftist “Die Linke” and one is from the extreme-right “Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands”. Greece is the only country from which more MEPs voted against. Eight MEPs voted for, and 12 against: 6 from the leftist Syriza, two from the Communist party, one from the extreme right “Golden Dawn”, one from the Eurosceptic party “Independent Greeks”. From Hungary, 18 MEPs voted against and two from the extreme-right Jobbik party voted against. From Ireland 6 MEPs voted for and 3 against: one from the leftist party Baile Átha Cliath and two from Sinn Féin, which is also associated to the leftist GUE/NGL group. From Italy 46 voted for and 8 against, of which 3 from the “Tspiras list” and 5 from the separatist “Lega Nord”. Eighteen Italian MEPs abstained, of which 17 from the “Five Star Movement” of Beppe Grillo and one from Berlusconi’s “Forza Italia”. From Latvia 7 MEPs voted for and one green MEP against. All 10 MEPs from Lithuania voted for, without votes against or abstentions. Also all 6 MEPs from Luxembourg voted for, without votes against or abstentions. From Malta, 5 MEPs voted for and a socialist MEP abstained. From the Netherlands, 14 voted for and 7 against. Three of them are from leftist forves and four are from the extreme-right Party of Freedom. From Romania, all 28 MEPs voted for, without votes against or abstentions. From Slovakia, 11 MEPs voted for and 2 abstained: one of them being from the socialist SMER party, and one from the liberal “Freedom and Solidarity” party. From Slovenia, all 7 MEPs voted for, without votes against or abstentions. From Spain, 41 MEPs voted for, 10 voted against and one abstained. Those who voted against are from leftist forces and the one who abstained is from a green party. From Sweden 13 MEPs voted for and 2 against. Those who voted against are from the far-right “Sweden Democrats”. From the UK, 39 MEPs voted for, 22 against and two abstained. The UKIP party massively voted against, while one conservative and one green MEP abstained. copyright and source: reuniting-europe.blogactiv.eu/2014/09/17/which-meps-voted-against-eu-ukraine-association/#.VBmuQPmSySr TO FIND OUT MORE: votewatch.eu/en/term8-eu-ukraine-association-agreement-with-the-exception-of-the-treatment-of-third-country-nationals-lega.html#/%23%23vote-tabs-list-4##vote-tabs-list-4
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:55:08 +0000

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