Which is Fact and which is Fiction??? The ACA was set up to - TopicsExpress


Which is Fact and which is Fiction??? The ACA was set up to force Insurance companies to be competitive ? FICTON Why, when there is more then 1 choice you have COMPATITION.. When you have the federal government running it you have a person or group dictating to the insurance companies by forcing them to do things like say, insure a male for when they have a baby, when a woman that can not have children to still carry insurance in case she does, you know after they have been cleaned out so to speak or for many other reasons they can not have a baby, for the 60-70-80-90 year old lady that will have their next baby. FACT!!! The ACA was set up to control what you get so that there is enough coming from those that can work and do work to pay for those that can work but wont work. To say see, insurance companies will still screw you so we need to handle the insurance and you pay us direct as we now are the insurance company. The ones that have Flood Insurance are familiar with this type of insurance. It is the kind that cost us 2x as much as the insurance that we already have to carry when money is owed on the home. That money goes straight to the federal government. The ACA does cause most to have to pay more then they already were paying for insurance or causes you to loose what you already had even though you were promised you could keep it. Just another lie. FACT!!! You never go to the LIER to get HIS Facts as he wants you to know them. You listen to the ones it has effected and those that will be effected by these BAD Laws. You Never listen to those that do not have a dog in the hunt that are for it as they only know the tune they are told is fact, you know, from the lier in chief. PROVEN FACT!!! The man behind the ACA, our Lier in Chief will continue to lie. He knows no other way and there are those that will continue to spread his lies even after hearing the lier say the words himself. It is as if IS does not mean IS, remember that one?? The easiest way to tell if fact or Fiction, If it takes away from you and they tell you they know best for you, That is FICTION and you had better hold on to your pocket book because they are getting ready to dive into it and take what you have... A socialist wants control and that is total control. To get their way they have to lie as the truth hurts to bad. Remember the big difference, A Socialist believes you work for you and them, what you earn belongs to all. If 1 gets an A is class, ALL get an A even if they do not do the work. A True Democrat and Republican believe you work, you earn and it is yours minus taxes of course. The more you work, the harder you work, the more you earn and then the more you pay in taxes. There are some that are riding the top of the rail and on some things lean one way and on another go the other way. They just havent fallen yet. They are also easy to spot. They believe in the 2nd amendment and their right to own a gun. The hell of it is a lot of them are retired military and they are one of the larger groups the liberals are going after to take their guns away. Why, if you have been in the military you have mental problems. I think if you go for socialist ways, you have mental problems and should be disarmed. Lets also not forget GOD must also go and they have been working hard on getting that job done as well.. One Last Thing!!! **** GOD BLESS AMERICA AND PROTECT HER AND ALL AMERICANS ****
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:01:05 +0000

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