Which one are you? Ever wonder why no matter what you try you - TopicsExpress


Which one are you? Ever wonder why no matter what you try you aren’t losing weight? Here are ten common reasons why you might be having trouble shedding those extra pounds. You Don’t Know How to Cook for One You pick out a recipe, follow the instructions and make yourself a tasty dinner. The problem is that most recipes are designed to make at least 4 servings. And since you are the only one grubbing, you don’t even realize that you’ve piled your plate three servings high. For many people who struggle with dieting, one of the biggest problems is availability: if it’s there, you will eat it. Cut recipes in half and once your meal is ready, pack half in Tupperware before you dig in. You’re an Automatic Eater You come home from work, you grab a snack. You’re angry at your boyfriend, you eat. You are frustrated at work, you reach for a cookie. No matter what the situation, people tend to get tunnel vision where all they can see is food. Try to distract yourself with a walk or a phone call, and then decide if you are still hungry enough for that snack. You Eat to Feel Better Just like automatic eaters, many people turn to food for solace. The brain releases serotonin upon our first bite of food, providing a moment of happiness. Don’t confuse that with true happiness, food won’t make your problems go away. Try talking it out with a friend. You’re a Stress Eater Eating when you’re stressed is a biological reaction. Historically, our bodies were taught to fear starving to death, so even now, the body can return to that mode making us eat to calm ourselves. Find another way to get your body into a calm state and the craving will subside. You Wait for a Reason to Diet You keep putting your diet off for the next big event: a friend’s wedding, New Year’s Eve, a birthday, but somehow you never seem to get around to actually dieting. If you do diet leading up to a big event, it’s easy to lose motivation once the date passes. Why make excuses? Get started today. You Always Clean Your Plate Whether you are worried about waste or you eat what’s on your plate because it’s in front of you, you are likely overeating. Try putting less on your plate and saving the leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch. You Restrict Too Much If you put a veto on your favorite indulgences, you might find yourself craving them more or heading for a binge. A recent study put women to the test. Thirty women of average weight were split into two groups, half given access to unlimited chocolate and half told it was forbidden. After 24 hours, both groups were allowed to eat as much as they wanted. The results showed that the women who had previously been forbidden to have chocolate ate more than the women were not. You Don’t Want to be Noticed Some people have grown so accustomed to being overweight that they subconsciously want to stay that way. If you think this might be you, try talking to a friend, doctor or therapist. You Want What Everyone Else is Eating It’s tough eating out with that friend who can order a double cheeseburger with bacon and fries every day and not gain an ounce. Unfortunately, some people have faster metabolisms than others. Do your best to stay strong, and if you have to give in, ask a friend to split a meal. You Think Your Weight is set in Stone Past unsuccessful diet attempts may lead you to believe that you are destined to be fat. Dieters who have had failed attempts at dieting are not learning the right skills. Talk to your doctor, read up and make sure you are on a diet plan that is right for you. ~ Feel free to Friend request me or just click on Follow on my cover pic for daily cool stuff jwellington611.sbc90/ SHARE to SAVE on TIMELINE for LATER ✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿ ✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:24:58 +0000

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