Which would a person more likely appreciate: winning a picture of - TopicsExpress


Which would a person more likely appreciate: winning a picture of a car, or winning a car? Its safe to say that most people would probably prefer winning the car itself. This isnt to say that winning a picture of a car is a bad thing. The picture could be really nice and framed really tastefully and whatnot, but possessing the actual vehicle is an entirely different experience! The Bible teaches the same principal when dealing with the issue of the ministry of the Law and Jesus Christ. Hebrews 10:1-18 explains that the Law was just a picture of the work that Jesus would later actually do. It was only representative of a work that Jesus would literally fulfill upon His arrival on the earth. The Law required the sacrifice of bulls and goats and other animals in order to take care of the issue of the sin of mankind. Since all sin, all were in need of atonement, and the Law prescribed animal sacrifice for atonement since the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). However, one must realize the truth: while some might become attached to certain animals, and animals may have a certain amount of value in a persons life, they are not so valuable that their blood is able to make up for all of the transgression one commits towards the Living God in a life time! When God committed the first animal sacrifice in the Garden of Eden to clothe Adam and Eve, one can see right at that moment that animal sacrifice was only sufficient to cover sin - not remove it. Therefore, even though the Law demanded animal sacrifice, the provision of the Law was just a way that allowed mankind to demonstrate faith that following Gods instruction led to benefits. God Himself would fully remove sin - not just cover it. In this way, the Law is just a picture of the work God would do through Jesus. Since Jesus is God in the flesh, there is no blood more valuable than His. Hebrews 10:1-18 explains that His blood was so valuable as the blood of the Living God that He only had to die once, and that death was sufficient to pay off the tab of all of the worlds sin that has ever, and will ever be committed. Hebrews 10:1-18 even quotes the Old Testament to reveal that Gods ultimate plan did not stop at the Law and animal sacrifice. The New Testament quotes the psalms to reveal that God did not desire sacrifice and offerings from His people, but instead revealed that He would come Himself to take care of the issue of sin. It is the body of Jesus Christ that serves as the actual vehicle that removes sin from a person, and there is no other way. When the high priest offered sacrifices in the Old Testament, he had to keep doing it over and over. Yet the Bible testifies that when Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice, He rose from the dead then before a large crowd of eye witnesses, ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God the Father - a position of authority and approval. God the Father was pleased and satisfied by the sacrifice of Jesus so that no other sacrifice is necessary; and Jesus current place of ministry is proof of this truth since He still sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on behalf of His followers. Thus one must understand that the works of the Law were just a picture and the real work to remove sin was actually done by Christ. One cannot do anything at all to atone for ones own sin. There is no good deed of volume of good deeds that can be done to please God. The work that needed to be done to please God in order to remove sin was already done by Jesus Christ. Thus, one must seek Him in faith, trusting that He is the way to God and His kingdom. One must trust in His work instead of ones own efforts and rely on the current sanctifying ministry of Jesus to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Hebrews 10:1-18 reveals that the work of perfect sacrifice that Jesus did allowed the Word of God and commands of God by the Law to be inscribed on the hearts of those who believe in the work of Jesus. His Word becomes a part of those who believe in Jesus, therefore making Christians as Christ is gradually over time through a purification process designed by God. It is because of this truth then that one must resemble a person who possesses the Word of God and is a living manifestation of the fulfillment of the Law. If a person is saved by grace through faith in the identity and purpose of Jesus Christ, then Christ should reside in that person and there should be evidence of such residence. Hebrews 10:1-18 explains that the evidence looks like the fulfillment of the Word of God and the Law since faith causes Gods Word to become a part of a person. This is not work that one does to become saved - Jesus already did that work to remove sin. One is not saved by what one does. However, ones salvation should certainly be demonstrated by what one does because of the work Christ has already performed Himself. The fact that a person has been forgiven of their sins by the works of another person who was sinless and perfect in every way should compel one to live as He commands. Jesus Himself stated, If you love Me, keep My commandments. The work that allows every person to be forgiven of every sin has already been completed by the Son of God that is Jesus Christ. Demonstrate your appreciation for His work, that you could not do, by living according to His ways. God bless yall! --Bside--
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 14:22:11 +0000

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