While 46 million americans r poor n 80% will at some time - TopicsExpress


While 46 million americans r poor n 80% will at some time experience poverty...Washington’s wealthy elite must take precedence over the economic security of the majority of Americans. All of this —from lumping together Social Security and Medicare despite those programs’ incredibly different long-term cost projections, simply because the centrist elite want both of them cut, to the way “entitlement reform” is treated as a sort of self-evident good, because centrist deficit hysteria is a religious belief and hence not in need of justification —is not just bullsh!t, it’s very old and tired bullsh!t. It’s comically ancient bullsh!t. No one who’s been paying attention over these last few years, as the feeble “recovery” led to soaring corporate profits, the return of the finance industry to total economic dominance, a plummeting deficit and a still ongoing jobs crisis, should be able to write this editorial with a straight face. Maybe Fred Hiatt and co. were giggling. I think probably not. This is how dumb and single-minded the elite Beltway media centrist is. This is why the Washington Post’s “straight” political reporters feel comfortable inserting these exact arguments into their analyses of Obama’s economy speeches. They don’t even recognize it as ideology. Top-down class warfare is just in their bones. But it is really not cute anymore to crow about the wholly imaginary problem of “the deficit” when people are starving. At this point it’s verging on sociopathic. 46 million Americans are officially poor and 80 percent of Americans will experience poverty or near-poverty at some point in their lives.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 12:37:36 +0000

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