While Alan Lothrop and I married on April 22 seven years ago, we - TopicsExpress


While Alan Lothrop and I married on April 22 seven years ago, we will actually have been together for fifteen years in 2014. Which, incidentally, means that I have just enough time to post once a day for each year weve been together. While Im not going to require it, ha ha, I hope that Alan decides to do the same. It would be interesting to see exactly what sticks out in his mind over the years! We started dating my senior year of high school (Oct 99). I had not given any thought to dating in the past as I eschewed the musical-chair nature of teenage dating. Alan said he tried to get me to notice him before that year, but I was completely oblivious; well, except for when he would come into the credit union where I worked after school. I was always so very good at adding checks and counting money but I turned into a dunce whenever he was at my window. Naturally, I hated him for it. Id do everything I could to either delay the person at my window or keep them there if I saw another teller was finishing up their transaction. Little did I know how much he enjoyed seeing me as he would often counter my measures. He gallantly let little old ladies go in front of him just so I could mess up several times on his transactions. I like to think now that the reason why I messed up so much is that my heart knew he was someone truly special even if my brain was oblivious. There were a lot of things that happened prior to my senior year that put me in a place to finally notice him and, while some of them were painful, I would not trade a moment of it in fear that I would miss out on so much happiness and companionship. When my slow brain finally woke up, it was like a light bulb turned on in my head. I knew I had to have him! I did what any self respecting Italian woman would do...I invited him over for homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Yes, I play hardball when I want something. The food was good enough that it outweighed my VERY crazy family, thank goodness! To be fair, he never really stood a chance. My mom was probably the most startled by all of it; she had to deal with her book/art/school loving eldest daughter suddenly bringing a BOY home! With me being just shy of 18 and never once showing any interest in boys prior, Im surprised she didnt have a coronary right then and there. A lot changed that year for all of us, but my mom has since gotten to know Alan; I would bet she would agree after getting to know him all these years that he is one of the most wonderful men in the world. If she says she doesnt, shes lying just to bait me-she loves him like her own son. I remember the first time that I told him I love you; we were talking on the phone and I said it first. I told him that he didnt need to say it back, my love wasnt under a condition that it needed to be reciprocated because he felt pressured to. I just needed to tell him how I really felt. It wasnt all roses and butterflies though; Alans mom climbs stairs like a ninja! When I think about those days, I can still feel that steely fist of panic constricting my chest. Thanks for knocking a few years off my life, Lise! ;) On our first year anniversary, I gave him a white gold band engraved with the words friendship and love on the inside. My mom made fun of me because it looked like a wedding band. I didnt care and I knew deep in my heart that he was the one for me. I wasnt stupid enough to tell HIM that of course-I didnt need to scare the poor boy away! 7 years ago this month, I placed that ring on his finger for the second time and it truly became the ring that bound us together in front of our friends and family. I love you Babe.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:47:35 +0000

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