While I agree with Marie Kondos advice about living with things - TopicsExpress


While I agree with Marie Kondos advice about living with things that make you happy, I dont agree with the do not buy organizing equipment — your home already has all the storage you need advice. I always try to use or re-purpose items that clients already have, but sometimes you need supplies you dont have in order to organize things properly. That doesnt mean go out and buy random containers or other organizing supplies. It means only buy containers or other organizing supplies AFTER you’ve sorted and purged items and decided where they’re going to be stored in your space. Remember to make the storage location you’ve chosen logical, accessible and safe. Once youve done that, then -- and only then -- should you go shopping. Make sure the containers you select to store your things are sturdy, the right size for the items they’ll be holding and the space they’ll be inhabiting and easy to handle and attractive, if that’s important to you. Using the wrong container or tool can make getting and staying organized difficult and inefficient and lead to unnecessary frustration and failure. Containerizing is ALWAYS done LAST, not first in the organizing process.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:09:58 +0000

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