While I believe that our main focus should definitely be our - TopicsExpress


While I believe that our main focus should definitely be our cultural, physical, and spiritual development as a people; I also believe we should put unapologetic pressure on this country 24/7 365 via mass economic boycotts, institution building, and life long demonstrations of self determination and cultural pride. Not in an attempt to change white folk or the system, but as a tool to spread information and to help us psychologically separate our needs from their needs. The problem is, most public demonstrations, the ones on massas porch, are commandeered and co-op by house slave leaders that are busy trying to show massa that they can control black people in hopes of getting some money down the line. But the masses of the people attending are sincere and are there seeking justice. So if you leave the march asking now what, we can still demonstrate. Lets demonstrate how were done with them economically by systemically weening ourselves off their products while methodically replacing them with our own. Lets demonstrate our commitment to self determination by organizing a Black community land grab where each community is committed to acquiring as much land as possible in 2015. Lets demonstrate our commitment to our heritage and our children by building and supporting our own schools while demanding our children are taught our story wherever they are. Lets demonstrate our commitment to speaking love into each other by turning away from any music, movie, or tv show that we dont own and/or puts us down and supporting our artists that lift us up. Lets demonstrate our commitment to being healthy by eating better, growing our own food, and preventing disease rather than reacting to it. Lets not do this because we are ashamed of ourselves. Lets do it because we love ourselves and we deserve to reap the benefits of self love. Lets demonstrate by opening and supporting new businesses. Lets demonstrate by withdrawing our support from any business in our community that doesnt reinvest in our community. They want a demonstration? Lets give them a lifestyle demonstration thatll change everything! Lets embrace our heritage before slavery, get rid of these slave names, and work our way off these slave jobs. THATS A DEMONSTRATION! If you gone march, march out of the suburbs and back to the black community to help rebuild! March out of Wack Mart without spending a dime. March past Mc Donalds, march out that church thats not inspiring you to stand up for your people. If we gone march, lets march our babies out of these big white colleges that make billions off our athletes while contributing to the downfall of our community. March out of the liquor store. Lol, we got a lot of marching and demonstrating to do! I pray the one downtown is just practice... HTP
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 15:02:17 +0000

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