While I can, a hundred times over, tolerate or be indifferent to - TopicsExpress


While I can, a hundred times over, tolerate or be indifferent to the ridiculous attempts by the hired image-launderers of Mr. President to compare him to iconic, historical personages like Martin Luther King, Pres. Obama of the U. S. A., I cannot, even for once, tolerate any attempt by the same hired hands or other persons to compare Pres. JEG with the late Nelson Mandela, a man who sacrificed nearly 3 decades of his precious life in captivity so that his people could be free from the evil clutches of apartheid. For me, greatness does not consist in how much of public funds a supposed leader spends or wastes in the name of developmental projects. Rather, true greatness in a leader consists in and only in how much of himself he has sacrificed to ensure that the pple shall have and enjoy nothing but the good life. With ref. to the great Nelson Mandela, even the most uninformed mind is aware of his personal exploits and sacrifices, both for the sake of his pple of SA and for the sake of our common humanity at large. I have painstakingly crosschecked the other side of the scale of the purported comparison, but, alas, I found NOTHING, absolutely nothing in terms of personal sacrifices for the sake of the people, democracy and the hallowed principles of freedom and liberty, and good governance. If I may jug your memory a little, before the advent of JEG, his predecessor, the late Pres. Yaradua, publicly offered to declare his assets Abd actually did so, even though the law did not oblige him to do it. Now, that gesture might appear small to some pple. Yet, to a person like my humble self, who regards not the act but the heart and soul of a doer/leader, it was one of Yarduas indelible marks of greatness.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:20:19 +0000

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