While I could love this blog post simply for Jenny Lawsons defense - TopicsExpress


While I could love this blog post simply for Jenny Lawsons defense of feminism, what I truly appreciate is that she addresses the deeper issue of humanitys tendency to create polarities of everything - social justice issues, religion, ethnicity... wherever there may exist a difference, even of opinion, there seems to be a tendency to judge an entire community by its individual components. When we see something broken in an opposing party, we latch onto it and use it to fuel our hate for an entire community. We seem to revel in elevating issues to an us/them scenario. I feel that Lawson brings up a good point. You dont have to be a feminist. You dont have to support feminism. But as with any community, you cant judge a whole by the minority extremist portion within it. We ought to be fostering understanding. To choose to understand is not necessarily to agree, but it is a sacrifice, and that is a form of love... and Id rather live in a world fueled by love. Don’t make a decision about a group based on the most radical beliefs of a group. Don’t get defensive if you get deeper and are exposed to difficult ideas about intersectionality and race and gender and colonialism and patriarchy and male liberation. Just listen. Some of it will make sense. Some of it won’t. Some of it will later when you’re a different person. Some of it you’ll change your mind about throughout your life and the world will change too. Also, Patrick Stewart is a feminist, and hes the captain of the Enterprise.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:01:46 +0000

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