While I have internet I would like to introduce you to OUR Dallace - TopicsExpress


While I have internet I would like to introduce you to OUR Dallace she is 16 and not on the Spectrum, as we have had Toren write for you, I asked Dallace to do the same from a siblings point of view, she is a little ME, I must admit OUR LITTLE ADVOCATE who does her best to understand her siblings and is VERY PROTECTIVE of them. She can be so mature, when she does something her age it kind of throws you a bit and then you have to remember she is probably doing what normal 16 yo do in those normal families we here about LOL And yes I am PROUD ; ) My name is Dallace Gurney I am 16 years old and I have 3 siblings with autism, Its hard for the sibling of ASD kids we have to be patient and understanding for them to communicate with us you have to try and be calm when there about to meltdown or chuck a tantrum and if you get to the point where you wanna burst out in anger well it doesnt really make the situation any better as most of you may know it only makes them worse you just need to hide it and not show the expression that you are angry because they can see it on you face in a way autistic children are kind of like a horse I know it sounds weird but in a way they can feel your anger and they can just sense things you cant, its hard for the sibling of the children because sometimes we dont understand sometimes we think we can understand but we really cant I know its hard to admit it but its true. Sometimes I wonder why children on the spectrum do the things they do like having a tantrum over a movie that wont play and then they have to be patient which is hard for them because its hard to keep patient Im drifting off again sorry. Its often hard when you cant be the big sister you wanted to be like playing with your little sisters hair or just even just talk to her about school and how things are and try get a long answer instead of it was alright you just try so hard and hope to get something out of them, but the thing I have learnt with my sister is to be understanding for her to communicate. I find it hard sometime even to go shopping espicially with little brother Talen 7 because he finds it hard to listen to the word no if we go to the shops he asks for everything he likes and mum has to say no because its part of learning especially for little kids and with mum saying no it turns into a tantrum mode which is a melt down and crying really loud so everybody stares at you which I find it hard because so many people judge so quickly they look at you and think what is wrong with that child why cant they just be quiet like any other child would, well I can tell you people its hard for ASD children to understand they need to process it longer then you do they need to think about it longer then you do we are all not perfect so dont judge because their not to your liking. So about me Im 16 struggling with school and I seem to think I have some autism but I dont and you wander what I think I have I think I have public anxiety not even a real thing but to explain this I have trouble going out in public I just find it hard sometimes because I worry that my card wont work or something weird is going to happen and even if go out somewhere nice I hate going to order food by myself I just find it really uncomfortable as of 2015 Im trying to over come my fear of the public anxiety thing 2015 is going to be my year of change. My word of advice for any older siblings that have siblings with autism become friends with music it will be your best friend and few movies to suggest watching The Fault In Our Stars, Temple Grandin they are some pretty inspiring movies out these days. Love Dallace
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 12:33:06 +0000

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