While I will never ask anyone to do my Chosen Profession, because - TopicsExpress


While I will never ask anyone to do my Chosen Profession, because its a calling. I do expect some respect from the community. Tonight I cat decide to be upset or just chalk up Lenore to ignorance. I had a person tell me tonight that Volunteer Fire Fighters are just a Poor mans vacation. It was all I could do to keep as straight face when you tell this to a woman who has served her community my entire life and is the Daughter and Granddaughter of a life long firefighters; and currently engaged to another fire fighter... Come on people these volunteers are the backbone of many rural areas fire and rescue services, without them Your homeowners insurance rating would be to high to even think of paying, and as far as the poor mans vacation... I recall more of my money being put into purchasing my own equipment that I wanted than I care to recall. Yes the price is high but it Is also rewarding. ..Thank you for reading and I will step iffy soapbox for now. Good night Facebook. Remember that the next time you call 911 that it may be a lowly volunteer that walked away from their family to help yours..
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:02:36 +0000

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