While IMHO, there is very little validity of a Raiders relocation - TopicsExpress


While IMHO, there is very little validity of a Raiders relocation to San Antonio, NOW is the time to increase the pressure on the politicians of the Oakland city council and ALCO Board of Supervisors (Nate Miley in particular, who seemingly would like to bend over for A’s co-owner Lew Wolff)) First, let’ get a couple of things straight: Oakland Mayor Jean Quan brought the $$$ to the table in the form of Colony Capital. Our frustration must not be aimed at her. She is doing all she can, and Mark Davis has verified that. It’s here constituents on the city council and ALCO Boars of Supervisors who are presenting the biggest obstacles. As it currently sits, some members of the Oakland city council and ALCO board of supervisors believe that a land deal (for the rights to the Coliseum site and possible construction of new stadium/s) Lew Wolff is more feasible than a deal with the Raiders/Colony Capital. They’ll present the 81 home games vs. 10 home games argument, that the Raiders are $400-$500 million short on construction costs (which has NOT proven yet to be true), and that Colony Capital has yet to show any $$$ for the project. They are acting truly ignorant and matter-of-fact when it comes to the Raiders negotiations. This is ALL-OUT-WAR people! Hit these politicians where it hurts. Even if you don’t live within the City of Oakland or the County of Alameda, let these politicos know that you can affect their long-term political career. No threats are necessary, just a promise that they are risking their political futures with their constant non-action and ignorance toward the new stadium plans of the Oakland Raiders. As always, names, email addresses, phone #’s, etc (of the politicians involved). are listed directly below for your convenience. Please take a little time out of your busy day/s, and let’s get our message across LOUD and CLEAR!!!!! Oakland City Hall 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 444-CITY Oakland City Council Members Henry Gardner (City Administrator) hgardner@oaklandnet cityadministrator@oaklandnet Fred Blackwell (Coliseum City consultant)) fblackwell@oaklandnet Gregory Hunter (Deputy Director) ghunter@oaklandnet Jean Quan (mayor) jquan@oaklandnet officeofthemayor@oaklandnet Sean Maher ((Communications Director Office of the Mayor-Oakland) smaher@oaklandnet (510) 238-7436 Patricia Kernighan (Council President-District 2) pkernighan@oaklandnet Larry Reid (Vice Mayor-District 7) lreid@oaklandnet Rebecca Kaplan (at large) atlarge@oaklandnet rkaplan@oaklandnet Noel Gallo (District 5) ngallo@oaklandnet Lynette Gibson McElhaney (District 3) lmcelhaney@oaklandnet Desley Brooks (District 6) dbrooks@oaklandnet Libby Schaaf (District 4) lschaaf@oaklandnet Dan Kalb (District 1) dkalb@oaklandnet Barbara Parker (City Attorney) bparker@oaklandnet County of Alameda Supervisors 1221 Oak Street Suite 536 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 272-6691 Nathan Miley (District 4) bos.district@acgov Kamika Dunlap (assistant to Nate Miley) [email protected] Scott Haggerty (District 1) [email protected] shaggert@acgov bos.district1@acgov Shawn Wilson (assistant to Scott Haggerty) Shawn.wilson@acgov Richard Valle (District 2) bos.district2@acgov Wilma Chan (District 3) bos.district3@acgov Keith Carson (President-District 5) bos.district5@acgov JPA (Joint Powers Authority) 7000 Coliseum Way Oakland, CA 94621 (510) 383-4801 [email protected] Christopher Dobbins (commissioner) [email protected] athleticsfan1@yahoo
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:44:09 +0000

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