While Im thinking about it, I want to post about something that - TopicsExpress


While Im thinking about it, I want to post about something that still has been haunting me since I read it. University of Wisconsin does testing on cats. There was a little cat there named Double Trouble. They did all kinds of tests on here, put things in her ear to deafen her, would make her go without food for three days in order to make her respond to the food that they placed in front of her on a piece of equipment. They had some type of contraption on her head. It seemed like a screw of some sort. They would zip this little fur baby into a bag so only her head stuck out and put that contraption on her head. They did surgeries on her and she would wake up during surgery. And if that wasnt enough, they decided at the end that they would kill her and they did. And THEN they decaptitated her and examined her brain! I so wanted to take that little one in my arms and let her know that all humans werent like that. I emailed the school president and let him know what I thought of all of this. I know she is now at the Rainbow Bridge and not suffering through this anymore but I wish she could have known human kindness and love while she was here on earth. Rest in peace Double Trouble. I wish you were my baby. I would have protected and loved you. There is one human here on earth who is sending love to you at the Rainbow Bridge. I love you baby and I never even met you.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:57:14 +0000

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