While Metatron was still Enoch and arrived in Heaven, it is said - TopicsExpress


While Metatron was still Enoch and arrived in Heaven, it is said that he was transformed into a spirit of fire and given 36 pairs of wings along with innumerable eyes. It is said that Metatron sits upon the throne that sits next to the divine throne. Metatron is the supreme angel of death. After being given the list of souls to be taken that day, Metatron mites out that list to Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is the angel that governs the Tree of Life, and the teachings of the Kabbalah. Metatron is the Angel of the Presence, World-Prince, archangel associated with Kether. According to some, the Briatic manifestation of Chokmah and the active principle of the Shekinah. ------------- Here we are back in the realm of Sky Man, the Light Adam of the Mandaeans and the Jewish mystics, the Son of Man represented by the antediluvian Enoch after his translation to heaven, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye balls to flaming torches, and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory. We are not surprised, therefore, to find Enoch in his heavenly significance accorded certain aspects and functions of Mithra (Mirra), and accordingly by the Jewish mystics being called Metatron (Meetatron). Delving into Rabbinical teaching the figure of the heavenly being Metatron, the Prince of the Presence, bears much the same relationship to God as Mithra does to Ahura Mazda in the Iranian teaching. Mithra was God in self expression, preserver of mankind from the Evil One, mediator between God and Man. Of Metatron we learn: His office of Advocate of Israel (i.e. with God) is clearly brought out in (the Talmud) Chagigah 15a, where he is represented as writing down, in the presence of God, the merits of he Children of Israel; he is thus spoken of as the Great Scribe, the advocate who pleads on behalf of his clients before the Judge. In (the Midrash) BemidbarRabbah, C. 12, the term Mediatoris directly applied to Metatron, and, what is still more significant, he is represented as the reconciler between God and the Chosen People. There is a noted passage in the Babylonian Talmud where a Rabbi is rebutting the contention of a Min (heretic) that there are two Powers in heaven, God and His likeness. R. Nachman said, He who knows how to answer the Minim like R. Idi, let him answer; if not, let him not answer. A certain Min said to R. Idi, it is written (Exod.xxiv. i), And He said unto Moses, Come up unto the Lord. He ought to have said, Come up unto Me. He (i.e. R.Idi) said, This is Metatron, whose name is as the name of his Master. For it is written (Exod. XXiii. 2 1), For My name is in him. If so, worship him (urged the Min). But it is also written (the Rabbi responded), Provoke him not i.e. Do not mistake him for Me). (Schonfield) ------------- The Jerusalem Talmud plainly states that Aher recognized two supreme principles. The Babylonian Talmud, the source of the entire story, gives us to understand the same thing, informing us that when Aher saw in heaven the power of Metatron, the angel next to God, he exclaimed: Perhaps there are two supreme powers. We need not dwell too long upon this fact for we must cite others, more significant; yet it is noteworthy that the angel, or rather the hypostatis called Metatron, plays a very great part in the kabbalistic system. It is he, properly speaking, who governs this visible world; he reigns over all the spheres suspended in space, over all the planets and celestial bodies, as well as over all the angels who control them; for above him is nothign but the intelligible forms of the Divine Essence and spirits so pure they cannot exercise any immediate control of material things. Also, it has been found that the numerical value of his name is equal to that of the synonym of the Almighty. (Franck) ---------------- Metatron is charged with the sustenance of mankind. He has been known as the link between the human and the divine. The angel who wrestled with Jacob. (Genesis 32); As the watchman (Isaiah 20); Exodus 23:20 for this refers to Metratron as well. Metatron, according to the Kaabbalah (קבלה) is the angel said to have lead the children of Israel through the wilderness. His female equivalent is Shekinah. His twin brother is Sandalphon. After arriving in heaven he was transformed into a spirit of fire and equipped with 36 pairs of wings as well as innumerable eyes. He resides in the 7th heaven and when evoked appears as a pillar of fire said to be more dazzling than the sun. He has also been credited with the authorship of Psalms 37:25. He is the supreme angel of death to whom God gives daily orders as to the souls to be taken. He then delegates these orders to his subordinates, Gabriel and Samael. Metatron is considered by some to be mightier than Michael or Gabriel.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:15:16 +0000

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