While Palestine burns the modern day Neros meet in Amman. They - TopicsExpress


While Palestine burns the modern day Neros meet in Amman. They pontificate, conspire, plan and fiddle. The reason I am saying this is because of the recent meeting in Amman between the usual suspects, Netanyahu, Kerry, King Abdullah II, Abbas and by telephone Al-Sisi of Egypt. Results? NOTHING. According to UPI, at the trilateral meeting, Kerry said the Jordanian king and Israeli prime minister discussed specific actions both sides can take to restore calm. The secretary of state was reticent to disclose what those specific actions will be. Its better that they be done quietly and practically, he said, adding, Im convinced it will be done. Kerry also reported a very productive meeting with Abbas that included real steps, not rhetoric that people can take to deescalate the situation and create a climate in which we can move forward constructively. When will Mr Abbas realize that Israel is not interested in peace? When will he understand that America can never be trusted as an honest broker? When will he stop this charade and call time on the PA? When will he stop ignoring us the Palestinian Nation and show us some respect? When will he stop trading insults and accusations with Hamas? Finally when will he come clean and tell us, the Palestinians what is really going on and what his real intentions are? The answer to all the above is very clear and staring us in the face, NEVER. Unless we make him. How? By declaring a total civil disobedience, down tools and boycott not only the Israeli occupation but also all the PAs and Hamass occupation. We did it before you know. In 1936 Palestine declared a total shut down that lasted for six months. Some might say too harsh, too painful and impossible to achieve. How dare you suggest this when you live in London in some comfort? Its true I am not living under the Israeli nor the PAs occupation or under Hamas rule in Gaza. I am not directly affected by the humiliating check points, the forbidding separation wall, the brutal inhumane squatters or the tight siege, nor the uncaring PA security forces or Hamas. But my compatriots are and will continue to be under these conditions unless something drastic happens. My compatriots, please dont delude yourselves. Unless and until we wrench our cause from the clutches of both Fatah and Hamas and take our destiny in our own hands soon, all will be lost. Please unite as one. Please reject the status quo. Please lead from the front. The future of our land and generations of Palestinians to come is in jeopardy. The stakes couldnt be any higher.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:37:38 +0000

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