While Russia rolls tanks into the Ukraine to expand the Motherland - TopicsExpress


While Russia rolls tanks into the Ukraine to expand the Motherland for the greater good—while the United States negotiates with the jihad-sponsoring, American-murdering, nuclear-weapon-building Islamic regime in Iran to assure the mullahs that we mean them no harm—while the United States sends more troops to Iraq to sacrificially engage in a limited war against jihadists who have beheaded Americans, murdered countless infidels, raped countless women and children, and promised Americans see you in New York—and while U.S. leaders evade the fact that jihadists exist in large numbers only because the Islamic regimes in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the like sponsor, fuel, and encourage them—nows a good time to share this article on the causes of war and peace. Heres an excerpt: EVASION The most fundamental psychological cause of war is evasion: the refusal to face relevant facts, the act of pretending that reality is other than it is. For example, in the 1930s, European leaders evaded the explicitly stated intentions and clear advances of the Nazis. Rather than eliminate these avowedly racist murderers who openly sought world domination when the Europeans easily could have, they permitted the Nazis to strengthen and expand for years on end, thereby eventually necessitating a massive war to end the nightmare. Similarly, today, U.S. leaders evade the explicitly stated aims and clear advances of the Islamic regimes that sponsor terrorism against America: the regimes in Iran and Saudi Arabia. For example, U.S. leaders pretend that “Islam means peace,” when in fact it means submission. They pretend that the Saudis are “our friends,” when in fact they encourage and finance jihad against America. They pretend that we can fruitfully negotiate with the Iranian regime, whose ultimate goal—as stated in its written constitution—is to force everyone on the planet to submit to Allah, and whose leaders call regularly for “Death to America.” They pretend that America is at war with “terrorism” (recall the war on blitzkrieg?) or with small groups who “pervert” Islam rather than with Islamic regimes that fully embrace Islam and take it seriously. When a nation evades such facts about its enemies, that nation eventually will either fight a larger and more costly war than it would have had to fight if it had faced reality from the beginning—or submit to its enemies. It is either–or. . . . Full article here: https://theobjectivestandard/2014/10/causes-war-peace/
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 22:10:00 +0000

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