While attending an evening service yesterday I was blessed to get - TopicsExpress


While attending an evening service yesterday I was blessed to get a whispher from God before the message. Like most services before the message there is singing, announcements, and an offering. Last night was no different the choir sung, the congregation sang, announments were made, we took up the offering, and we sang together again. Just before the pastor starts like most services there is also a special or special music where one person or small group sings. Last night was no different, and as this elderly/older women began to sing is when I heard the whisper. You see she did not hit every note to perfection, nor did she dress in the most royal colors, or fabrics from Egypt, nor did she have the vanity of youth. As she sang I could not help but notice the cringing faces, and grins in a mocking fashion from both the platform and among the people with each missed note. As I watched and listened Mark 12:41-44 came to mind. Mark 12:41 KJV And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. Mark 12:42 KJV And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. Mark 12:43 KJV And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: Mark 12:44 KJV For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. While praying God would bless her for her offering, I sat smiling watching her give all she had. I also thanked God for the thought and showing me this. I then put the thought away like most of my thoughts and got ready for the message. On our way home Jenna, Danielle, and I were talking about the day, and the service when Jenna brought up the special music. She brought it up as only a 10 year old could saying something along the lines of some of the notes were really high on that one song that lady sang while grining. At which point I asked her do you know what it reminded me of? Do you remember the old lady who gave her only two mites and Christ said she gave more than anyone else? Although she remembered the story, I could tell she did not get the connection. As we continued driving The Girls home, I explained how some half heartly get up and sing out of their abundance. They stand up there smiling at people among the congregation, as they are admired for the vanity of their youth and although they my hit more of the notes than others you dont see or hear them give their all to or for God. They dress up on the day they know they are to perform knowing man looks on the outward but forget God is looking upon their hearts. That the woman who performed might not of thrown chests of gold the size of others onto our ears but Jesus said she gave the most because she cast out all she had. Jenna then asked Is that why she was crying at the end? I told her yes it was because she was not singing out of pride, or out of her abundance, or to us, but everything she had to God. I hope she got it and remembers it. Like the old widow in Mark the woman from last night will remain nameless. I will say I am thankful for what and how she sang as it aloud me to walk with Him and talk with Him in such a wonderful way....
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:09:37 +0000

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