While demonstrating yet again deception, duplicity, and - TopicsExpress


While demonstrating yet again deception, duplicity, and double-crossing the American people with their dirty dealing and closed door politics as usual in SECRECY and DECEIT our Democratic/Republican Congress has raised the bar!! Same song second thousand verse 8| June 30, 1999 .....John McCain (R-AZ) .....but we wont reform anything until we first reform the way we finance our political campaigns. As long as special interests dominate campaigns, they will dominate legislation as well. Until we abolish soft money, Americans will never have a government that works as hard for them as it does for the special interests. During hearings for the 1996 Telecommunications Act, every company affected by the legislation had purchased a seat at the table With soft money. Consequently, the bill attempted to protect them all, a goal that is obviously incompatible with competition. Consumers, who only give us their votes, had no seat at the table, and the lower prices that competition produces never materialized. Cable rates went up. Phone rates went up. And huge broadcasting giants received for free billions of dollars in digital spectrum, property that belonged to the American people. In the last several years, while Republicans controlled Congress, special interest earmarks in appropriations bills have dramatically increased. The rise in pork barrel spending is directly related to the rise of soft money, as Republicans and Democrats scramble to reward major donors to our campaigns. The American people want their-money spent on their priorities, and their priorities arent ethanol subsidies and free advertising for giant corporations. Imagine the promises we could keep and the good we could do if politicians stopped treating the federal treasury as a duty free shop for soft money donors. For instance, if we stopped giving away ethanol and oil and gas subsidies we could use the money saved to support a three-year school voucher test in almost all of the largest school districts in America. Our failure to cut taxes as much as we should or begin the systemic reform of the tax code is not attributable solely to the opposition of the other party. For the sake of soft money we have put tax loopholes for special interests ahead of tax relief for working families, and we have made the tax code a bewildering 44,000 page catalogue of favors for a privileged few and a chamber of horrors for the rest of America....
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:43:25 +0000

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