While encouraging others to find the strength within to make the - TopicsExpress


While encouraging others to find the strength within to make the courageous steps towards change they desire, I too need to follow my own words. There is a balance between when to shut up and walk away AND when to stand your ground and roar like a lion. Maintaining that balance between the two isnt as easy as one might believe. One of the current wise teaching people are focusing on is what you focus on is what you create more of. Feed the angry wolf or the peaceful wolf syndrome. While I agree with this wholeheartedly, people then tend to turn a blind eye to all else. No matter how much our desire that the unrest chaotic and horrible events of the world around us will slink back into the crevices from which it came, it will not. The holocaust did not. The immigrant children being held in containment centers that most of us would be screaming at if it were animals YET OUR children sit silently waiting for help. Remaining silent, not focusing on the incredible pain and unrest within ourselves, we decide not to focus on it and go about our day, believing it will go away Closer to home, closer to a personal relationship with myself, practicing this teaching for many years in 2 similar situations has brought me full circle. While it was essential for me to raise my voice and speak the truth establishing boundaries, then stepping back because I would probably have not taken hostages, I waited for change. It did not come or at the very least not in the manor I thought. While allowing the pieces to fall into place, the rot and stench of control and anger had slowly infiltrated without much notice. Within another relationship it was just easier to ignore, black mold comes to mind. Knowing when to speak, when to walk away, when to sign the petition when to put your words into action, when to know that something in small portions are good but not in an overdose. My voice by choice was silenced, those who have not heard me voice myself believe they have silenced the lion and continue on their merry way, the lion is silenced therefore problem doesnt exist. Like the immigrant children, abused and neglected children, the war prisoners and the list goes on, I waited for others to step into truth and do what was right. It didnt come because it is easier to walk away when we feel helpless and afraid, when what we hear or see is so horrific we cannot fathom its occurrence, when we dont want to become involved...... I come full circle knowing that the time for voicing myself with the roar of a Lion is coming soon. Some who are unfamiliar with the heart of Lion will scream in terror thinking I have lost my mind. Quite the contrary! Those who have heard my words in the last few weeks, and have not taken them to heart, the time is near. By allowing the rotten apple to remain in the basket of good apples never ends well.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:05:28 +0000

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