While every day I finally get to enjoy food again without - TopicsExpress


While every day I finally get to enjoy food again without gaining weight for every bite I take and while learning how to eat probably for the first time in my life after years of upset and personal put downs from my own mind and idea what beauty looks like. Ive tried all kind of thing over the years since the birth of my first baby over 38 years ago. I dont think there is a diet I havent tried. Now here I am going on to 57 years old and just learning about me. So sad, all those wasted years chasing a Hollywood standard that was never to be mine to have and keep! All those years thinking I was nothing and worth nothing since my food seemed to control me and me not control anything. I just about starved me into this weight! Sounds impossible but not ! When you eat very little reql ood and lots of empty calories which I did you dont feed your body you starve it and thats what I did mostly than not. Sugar was my freind and my enemy, white carbs were my fillers so , potatoes, rice, pastas, breads, crackers etc. All my enemies. I tried to switchover to whole wheat everything but todays processed whole wheat food are no better than the regular junk you buy in the stores. It was difficult and I had some success when I was desperate and went to all shake and one day meal high protien low carbs except from the 4 cups of vegetables per day I was allowed to take in. They consisted for me mostly celery and cucumbers. Well after almost a full year of that and loosing 60 pounds. I had enough and wanted to eat, perfecy timing!! Christmas!! And did I feast!!! Yup right back to my old ways and old friends. Funny how you never forget, but I didnt learn to eat well while i did that high protein and juice diet so naturally I failed at feeding me well. It all made sense to me. So the pounds crept back up and with good reason! I was eating food all the wrong foods and couldnt figure out what worked for my body, There was mostly no help for me other than the juicing diet and its was hard discipline, no fruits, no real food juice 3 times a day and a meal of veggies and some meat once a day. Thats not eating friends. Thats cancer in the making is what it was and expensive way to make it by the way? That juice diet cost me almost 4 to 500 a month! I guess they are making money! I could no longer afford it or live that way! I wanted to eat food, so I began buying up all the diet cookbooks that everyone was telling me would work from the media to my own investigations. Until one day by accident or providence I started watching someones web site who was selling skinny fiber, every single day onto my screen flashed food from high cal to low cal and eveything in between. Followed by pictures and testimonies of women who were taking skinny fiber and loosing weight! Impossible I told myself. Can be no pill or weight loss suplement can help me. Not going to work I wont looose anything but water. Ill eat and stay darn well fat!! Nothing will help..... Im here to tell you Im wrong after a month I lost the obligatory 10 pounds water weight. And the 2nd month I lost 0 but I didnt gain and didnt loose just maintained the 10 pound weight loss. I took my skinny fiber faithfully and drank enough water to drown myself at least 4 litres per day! Thats a lotta a water!! But I was finally eating real food, I never was much for store bought boxed foods or pre made foods. But I love to cook and cook good food. I loved to have some dessert after my dinner with a cup of tea. Im not a coffee drinker , never was. Mostly a tea totaler. But it made me happy. i never like really rich desserts but something nice and not too sugarery was my style. But the most important thing to me was not what I ate, but that I was eating real food, like fruits of all kind s which I was not allowed to eat on my juicing diet. So I made up for lost time, you may say..... I loved strawberries craved them like going out go style and missed the season two years before on my juice diet. So when someone says the reason why you are fat as you have no will power, I simple say phooey on them they have no idea how much will power I have! Tons!! Its not will power that will do this, nope not at all. And not exercise wither, as I would work out at the gym almost 2 1/2 hours daily, lifting wieghts, on the tread mill, stair climbers and bikes and that didnt work either, Never lost a pound lost inches as my body tightened up but weight I was a fat, well exercised woman the fatest in the gym too. But healthy I could walk 5miles in less than an hour and not be out of breathe that was daily! Exercise was daily only day off was Sundays and sometimes Satrurdays. When I say weight life I mean that! I was always being told to take it easy as I was lifting too much?? I did , but I wanted results and still didnt look like a weight lifter only a fat lady lifting weights, and sweating puddles on the floor as I walked and exercized around the gym. Only and I will say it twice, only Skinny fiber has and is making a difference for me. Im not working out like I used too, Im still learning how to eat well for me. I havent got the right combination yet, but Im a work in progress! I m proud of me and my efforts and Im not a skinny minnie yet but I know with time and patience and learning I will find what works for me and I know my body is not balanced yet but Im not starving any more, Im eating fresh real food, lots of yummy foods the best salads Ive ever eaten in my life Im making for me now. I juice still but eat mostly as I like the idea of chewing my own food. I juice maybe once or twice a day not with some weird stuff you buy from the store or weight loss company for an arm and a leg. No my own juice and smoothies I make from real food I purchase from the farmers markets in season and the fruit and vegetable aisles in the store. Fruit and veggeis are no longer as scarey to me. Im excited that Im learning to eat well for me and Im happy about it as Im not gaining weight while I do it. I didnt eat 3 meals a day I barely managed one! I magine that idea fat on one meal a day? Now I have 6 small meals daily, used to think it was hard to do now it has become a lifestyle for me . I love it ! Every two hours, i have something? And never get stuck on what it should be. I am eating less and less yet more and more. Les fattening foods and more vergetables, fruits nuts and almost no meat. And mostly food uncooked and as in the natural state as I can. Does this mean I dont eat pasta anymore or bread or rice or potatoes? Hell no, I eat all of it, just not all a t once!! LOL A lite stir veggie stir fry with a little rice is nice and a chilli done all veggies pored over pasta el dente is delicious and now i get why you should only eat one cup! Never got that before?? Now I do as its more than enough! When you eat 6 times a day a 1/2 cup your stuffed! lol I still like my desserts and I still go out to dine. I eat very well amazingly well I love beans of all kinds, lima, kidney chick peas, navey beans. So yummy and delicios again a little dab will do you!! With tons of veggies. I make fruit smoothie as a snack. amazing what 4 ounzes will do to your body twice a day. I make a green drink daily for my breakfast. Lots of kale, spinach, lemon, and ginger as well as celery, cucumber and carrot! Oh my it makes my mouth water talking about it! So delicious! But because of skinny Im eating, and loveing it! And Im not longer afraid as I know I wont be getting fatter, AM I healthy yet? Nope but moving in the right direction and I feel it as I have eneregy when I shouldnt I feel good mentally and physically. AM I skinny yet? Nope.. Do I care ? yes and no yes as being under 200 will save my life and let me live longer and eliminate diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, but Im not anxious about it I ktnow with skinny I will get therer when I do! The biggest thing for me is that Im not afraid anymore! Thats what is so amazing for me. And Im not gaining weight but lossing inches!! around the worst part of my body! my hips and waist!! Where all my stubborn fat lays where it will take my life! Thats what makes me happy! Sorry this is long but I have so much more to share with you and dont want to lie about how am doing and what Im doing so you know why I love this product and why I say its saving my life.... Stay tuned for more... is all I can say as its not all said yet!! LOL I know I talk too much!! LOL Better than eating too much!! 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Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:00:48 +0000

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