While flying the other day from Kansas City to Dallas, I had a - TopicsExpress


While flying the other day from Kansas City to Dallas, I had a birds eye view of eastern Kansas and Oklahoma. In this photo, you will see Lake Eufala and if you zoom in toward the lighter area on the left side, you will see the community of Porum. This burg of several hundred souls and the surrounding countryside are where such notable Americans such as Karla Hughey Aaron, Tonya Langston, Kathey Snow, and Darlene Howard Pitts got their start. I spent countless summer days and holidays with Regina McElhannon Lang, Rick Mcelhannon, Charles McElhannon, Mac A. McElhannon, Michele N Glen Dunnam, Dianna McElhannon, and Shawn McElhannon where we thoroughly explored the western side of town. You didnt dare go to the east side. Not because of crime or an undesirable neighborhood; it simply meant you had crossed the highway and our otherwise quiet and gentle grandmother would become a spanking machine as a couple of the aforementioned individuals can testify. Each side of the highway had general stores where you could find just about anything, but especially soda pop and penny candy. Several blocks from the parsonage where my grandparents lived was Porum Assembly of God church where we would attend twice on Sunday, Wednesday night, and even Saturday night. A highlight when we were young was the two week VBS which my grandmother coordinated. Having a houseful of grand kids and an ornery husband probably made those two weeks a real challenge for Grandma. Next to the church (and Im talking maybe 10 feet to the north) was the most popular destination in town, The Malt Shop. Outside of our price range, a visit to this four booth eatery was contingent on honing in on our grandpas propensities for sweets. For some reason, I recall hearing Jeremiah Was a Bull Frog for the first time from the juke box in the Malt Shop. Having moved throughout my growing years, Porum, Oklahoma and her people were one of the stabilizing settings. From the air you might not realize it, but swimming and fishing and picnicking and water baptisms were all along the shore of this lake. Many in my memory have gone on, but vivid memories remain. Evelyn who would proudly proclaim her love for Brother Mac during the testimony service and Barney who would squeeze your hand so tight while following the Biblic admonition to greet one another with a brotherly kiss, to Katherine Cash leading the singing, and the church piano being encircled with a number of guitar pickers. Porum was and remains a special place whether from the air or Hwy 2 (just dont even think about crossing that highway though!)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:29:16 +0000

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