While growing up, family, friends and teachers probably told you - TopicsExpress


While growing up, family, friends and teachers probably told you tidbits about the world that you accepted as the gospel truth. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact it is completely normal. But, it seems there are a great many widely accepted “facts” that are actually completely untrue. These misconceptions are fairly widespread, so you may be surprised that even today you were believing things that just weren’t true. So put on your learning hats, you’re about to get schooled. 1.) You aren’t born with all of the brain cells you were ever to have. There is evidence your brain will continue to produce new cells in certain regions, a process called neurogenesis. Brain Facts 1.) You aren’t born with all of the brain cells you were ever have. There is evidence your brain will continue to produce new cells in certain regions, a process called neurogenesis. Flickr / jsmjr 2.) The color of the mucus in your nose doesn’t indicate if you have a bacterial or viral infection. It can vary in color due to a variety of illnesses. Web MD - The Truth About Mucus 2.) The color of the mucus in your nose doesn’t indicate if you have a bacterial or viral infection. It can vary in color due to a variety of illnesses. Flickr / tanj 3.) Goldfish don’t have 30-second memories. In fact, they can remember things for months. Source 3.) Goldfish don’t have 30-second memories. In fact, they can remember things for months. Flickr / protographer23 4.) Lightning CAN strike twice in the same spot. In fact, the Empire State Building is struck up to 100 times a year.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:53:10 +0000

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