While in the courtroom to support a loved one earlier, I found - TopicsExpress


While in the courtroom to support a loved one earlier, I found myself looking up scriptures to calm the bevy of emotions that swarmed to overwhelm me. The irony here is that God used those very scriptures to convict and convince me. Then He used an individual who is professedly not Christian to open my eyes to my own depravity. All week I have been preaching to someone close about how we ought not be expecting favor and honor to flow when we are with-holding stuff from the Lord. Or operating in any way opposite of the name we bear...Jesus. And all the while, Im needing my own heart searched by Father, my own secrets exposed. Light sheds more than just light! :p It brings revelation and uncovers our deep, dark stuff. How dare I think I present a full and appropriate testimony of Jesus, and Fathers love, when this life I do present is not completely transparent? Its oxymoronic. To say I love Christ is nothing. But to live His love is full of power...even unto salvation. The Word IS two-edged, my friends! Dividing my soul and spirit. Matthew 23:24 ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. This has hit me like a ton of bricks today. I was so busy swatting flies, I missed that I was chocking on camel meat! Ahhh! God took me to Revelations 12:10,11. About how they overcame the accuser. Some accusations were definitely being hurled in that room today. But we are overcomers....right? By disregarding my life to the death....ok...by Jesus blood....for sure! But the part about by the word of their testimony is what got me. And still is! My testimony needs to be for real. Transparent. Not riddled with items that lead others to speculation. I cant help but remember that Father used both victories AND defeats to prove He was Israels God to the rest of the world. Whether is was victory or defeat lay on the shoulders of the Hebrews and their willingness to acknowledge they needed Him....and thus turn to Him. My prayer this evening is: that admission of my own flaws will undo what me not seeing them as flaws did. May I never forget that my own understanding is feeble and trust more explicitly the One who knows all and has perfect plans that are NOT like mine! ;) That God will sooooo flip what the enemy was gloating over and use it for His beautiful glory.... and let those who dont know Him yet, see this one transformation as a true work of God....because it is! Selah!
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 20:26:15 +0000

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