While it would seem like an open and shut case, regarding the - TopicsExpress


While it would seem like an open and shut case, regarding the illegitimacy of the current government, Western nations have urged protesters to observe the rule of law and have condemned protesters taking over government ministry buildings. Why is the West now seemingly defending the current Thai government, after nearly 3 years of backing protests around the world against other governments it claimed were overtly corrupt and despotic? It is very simple. Unlike in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Russia, Yemen, Libya, Malaysia, and elsewhere where the West has backed protests, the current government in Thailand is a creation of and a servant to the corporate financier interests of Wall Street and London. Regardless of the cartoonish nepotism of a nation run by the sister of a ousted dictator, media in the West continues to portray the current Thai government as legitimate, elected, and democratic. Thaksin Shinawatras egregious crimes while in office are buried in articles, or worse yet, never mentioned at all.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:19:38 +0000

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