While mainstream media incites race wars and police hatred with - TopicsExpress


While mainstream media incites race wars and police hatred with the propaganda of violence against black citizens, real news is being ignored. First let me say I dont approve or condone the events which transpired in Ferguson. However I understand that racism and prejudice still exist. It hasnt been that long since Rodney King was beaten. Furthermore, many of those who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King are still alive. The civil rights era is about as old and many of your grandparents. Do you honestly think that society will completely change in a few decades? Basically, racism will continue to go on, in my opinion the media only reports it to distract people from issues that will affect your day to day life. Now to my point. If you are familiar with the premise of the movie the Purge and how terrible it was you may think it could never happen. Unfortunately it is happening right before our very eyes. Colombia, South Carolina along with other cities including Los Angeles and Sacremento have made it illegal to be homeless. They are rounding up the homeless in the city up and taking them to either jail or FEMA camps located outside of the city. While in those camps they are not allowed to leave unless they have verifiable relatives with whom they can live with. Furthermore they are being offered government assistance if they willing accept RFID chips. Those chips are micro chips implanted under the skin for tracking purposes. If you have pets you may already be familiar with the chip. Why the homless? Because they have no voice. Because they can do nothing about it. I also believe it is done to perfect the technology which will be used on a massive scale. Im not talking about events which will transpire in years to come. I am speaking of what is going on right now! Why dont you know about this? Because we are being programmed not to. With hours of Netflix and the occasional glace at the Ferguson riots on CNN how could you know without doing some research? Why is this important? 1. People are being detained right now in our country in FEMA (concentration) camps. 2. People are being forced to take implantable microchips for government assistance 3. Some jobs are already implementing RFID chips before hiring. In other words people are already taking this chips voluntarily. They even have commercials advertising health benefits and how they can keep all your medical and financial records. 4. The Obama care bill indicates making it mandatory for US citizens. 5. Anyone can become homeless at anytime. All it takes is a job loss due to a company downsizing which happened a lot during the economic collapse of 2008. Call me crazy all you want but this is not fiction anymore. We are heading into some serious times. My hope and trust is in Jesus Christ. I believe His return is eminent. I also believe His church in America is heading into some distressing times of persecution. I for one will never take this chip or any other mark placed anywhere on my person. Dont take my words for any of this though, look it up for yourself. This video will give you a head start. It addresses the homless being shuttled into FEMA camps. youtu.be/Y6YNlqpkWy4
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:19:22 +0000

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