While many have been focused on the Murphy bill, a bill that - TopicsExpress


While many have been focused on the Murphy bill, a bill that includes AOT passed yesterday in the House. thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?r113:14:./temp/~r113MW7UTx:: Here is the text of the bill: gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hr4302eh/pdf/BILLS-113hr4302eh.pdf AOT starts on page 120. Includes a 4 year pilot, up to 50 grants a year, no more than $1 million each grant, for a total of $15 million each fiscal year. A total of $60 million grants in 4 years to implement AOT. A county, city, mental health court, and/or mental health system are eligible for the grant. The money for this will still need to be approved through appropriations. There is another part of the bill (page 105) Demonstration programs to improve community mental health services that offers some great things like peer support and family supports, as well a 24 hour mobile crisis units. Traditional means of crisis intervention could add more trauma but we could build a movement around a better approach to these, such as training in IPS or Ecpr.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:11:07 +0000

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