While news reports suggest that Kiev has recaptured most of the - TopicsExpress


While news reports suggest that Kiev has recaptured most of the heavily contested Donestk airport, it doesn’t appear to have stopped there. Stories are coming in telling that Kiev has begun shelling residential areas in the city as well, to say nothing of the 500kg bombs it is accused of dropping on nearby Gorlovka. Poroshenko may have been encouraged to restart and expand the war because of the support he’s been receiving from both the US government and Blackwater. It may turn out to be that Kiev uses the recently reclaimed airport as a gateway to fully expanding the war all the way up to Russia’s borders, thus raising the risk that the civil war may become an international one. us.sputniknews/opinion/20150119/1013509345.html
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 17:25:45 +0000

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