While people remain somewhat optimistic about the fight with ebola - TopicsExpress


While people remain somewhat optimistic about the fight with ebola in Liberia right now, I find myself feeling the opposite. I am pessimistic because in order to get a grip on the spread of this disease, certain immediate protocols and initiatives should have been put into place at the very onset. The powers that be sat by idle for weeks and bickered amongst themselves about everything from whether the disease is actually in Liberia to whether it is actually spread from eating monkey meat and bats. They discussed everything insignificant and in their worthless chatter, proposed no solution that would have a direct impact on the growing health crisis. In the meantime, as senators remained steadfast in their beliefs that the rumors were being manufactured to drain the government of funds and the security apparatus stood by in complete ignorance of the magnitude of this disease, our borders remained open to traffic and the free flow of this contaminant was left unchecked allowing it to spread without any limitation. The logistics did not exist to track down all the possible people who came into contact with others who became ill initially and as a result there appeared missing links in the chain of infection. The potentially infected were taken out of the equation, thus allowing them to surface somewhere else and potentially infect others. And the story repeats itself until today as we find ourselves in a position where this little incident has grown to astronomical proportions to the point where the entire world is threatened. Instead of avoiding contact with the infected, religious believers simply isolated them in the church and in their homes, attempting to expel the demon that was believed to be in them and causing this illness. No one can accurately judge the scope of this infection because the data is incomplete. There are still people out there who have had contact with those infected who are yet to become infected. Doctors and nurses have been falling ill and dying in numbers, but is anyone following up with their families at home and their friends in general society who have come into contact with those doctors and nurses? People have been traveling freely in and out of Liberia. Who is to say that these individuals have not become carriers of this predicament? Who were all those in contact with Patrick Sawyer before he traveled? Was he in his office the day before? Are there infected people walking around in the Finance Ministry as a result of that? The lack of initiative on the part of government, most especially the Ministry of Health, Defense and Justice, has created a monster out of a mouse. In all the counties where this disease has surfaced, swift action was the key to curtailing and eradicating this disease. There has never been a case like this where people and entire towns were not quarantined initially, but instead were purposefully allowed free assess to move about at will. This is going to cost us all dearly. It has clearly gone beyond the capacity of our government to handle. They missed that opportunity from the initial stage. Their incompetence has caused, not just us but potentially the world, another sad chapter in the development of mankind. Heads must roll for this. There is no way that those in positions if leadership who were intrusted to protect the public from such ravishes, should remain in their positions. They have failed us. The deaths of all those people, which was preventable but because of ignorance, stagnation and incompetence, is tantamount to manslaughter. The Liberian public should not sit by and watch this episode get swept under the rug. Demand justice. Fight for your rights. It is you and your childrens future at stake here. IF LEFT UNCHECKED, THIS COULD BE A REASON FOR AN UPRISING.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:51:40 +0000

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