While people thought they was hurting Obama by voting Republican - TopicsExpress


While people thought they was hurting Obama by voting Republican last election didnt look at the big picture as far as what republican power would do to help him.... Democrats in the Senate stopped the fast track approach to free trade .... most ordinary people dont understand where this comes from... But Free Trade is a Republican idea.... Blame for NAFTA was laid and rightfully so on Bill Clinton. .. but many dont know it was Bush 41 that fast tracked NAFTA.... it was already in the works and when the GOP..With Newt shut down the government in the Republican wave NAFTA was part of what Republicans wanted along with Welfare Reform.... American workers lost big and since that... Free Trade has taken American jobs to low wage zero tax countries. ... Fast Forward to now... The Republican Congress and supporter Obama will screw working folks is the TPP...Obama supports it... Republicans support it... More Free Trade is coming. .. Democrats in the Senate was stopping it... this is another side effect of having Republicans in power... Help Corporations not have to pay taxes... not have to follow laws protecting workers... Free Trade... a Heritage Foundation idea that brings low wage service jobs to America while production that paid good money is moved overseas... Republicans and Neo Liberals like the Clintons and Obama is getting ready to screw us again..
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:40:59 +0000

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