While reading Joshua 4 this morning I was reminded of a habit i - TopicsExpress


While reading Joshua 4 this morning I was reminded of a habit i used to have as a young Christian. The tribes of Israel needed to cross the Jordan River (which was at flood stage) in order to enter their land of promise. In spite of the obviously flooded river God commanded them to go forth. By faith they stepped into the waters much like Peter when he stepped out of the boat in Matthew 14:29. Moved by their faith God miraculously dried up the river allowing them to cross over on dry ground. Joshua was commanded by God to gather 12 large stones from the center of the river bed and set them up on the shore as a reminder for themselves and future generations of Gods faithfulness. As a young Christian I kept a journal. It was here I recorded every moment and event of God interacting with my life. Sensing the reality of God actually moving in my life, hearing His small voice and seeing His hand work through others on my behalf just blew me away. So many mini-miracles were taking place in my life I knew I just had to capture them. Later in life, as I would go through rough times, I would pull out the journal and remind myself of Gods goodness and faithfulness. Im not sure why I ever stopped journal-ling of His goodness in my life. If nothing else, His faithfulness has only all the more been proven through my years. Regardless of whether you journal or not, take a moment and think back on the 12 stone moments where God has been faithful in your life. No matter what you are currently facing you can rest and know that He never changes and He will be there for you.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:21:19 +0000

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