While reading a book a query erupted and i thought to ask my - TopicsExpress


While reading a book a query erupted and i thought to ask my fellow country men / women / youth to share their thoughts, may be i find an answer or reach to some conclusion ……… Before i say something i need to emphasise and assure that i believe in absolute direct non involvement of military in administration chapter of a country ……. Further to premise ……. We (at least Pakistani Muslims) believe that the best form and system of governance was in the times of Prophet (PBUH) and the first four Caliphs (R.A.). Then following questions comes in mind, those were true democracies and welfare states but they did not have parliamentary form rather Caliphate system which is close to present day Presidential form of government. Also the shura members were not parliamentarians as they were not selected on party basis rather on their repute in the society. Moreover the system allowed the Caliph to have access to every single house which was the actual strength of that system. So do you think we need to change the form of government in Pakistan? If anyone of you agree to the above then i am sure you would agree that all the heads of the state were not only good administrator but they were too good in their Soldierly skills and so they were the Chiefs of their armies also. So do you think that our Head of State should also be a Master of Soldierly skills? Last but not the least, whenever there is a debate of present turmoil in Pakistan we refer to last 67 years and in that we brutally and lavishly succumb the era where military was running the show. But certain things we forget following comparisons, like 1. Economics state especially availability of basic amenities 2. Law and order 3. Industrial growth vis-a-vis employment 4. Education development I am sure there would be many who would unleash bluntly but a word of Caution before you do so and then dont even find a way to repent truly, as i write all this not merely listening to what my parents and surroundings have rumoured or gossiped about but these statements are based on pure statistics and are conveniently available on google as well as on ground affects speaks volumes about it. So if that may be the case then why do we need to divide ourselves into different groups because of so called Political ideology when we Military whose ideology is the same as of ours ………… Prosperity of Pakistan in all walks of life.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:20:57 +0000

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