While rushing from Union Square to Times Square to catch the next - TopicsExpress


While rushing from Union Square to Times Square to catch the next showing of John Wick, Charmaine Benham and I landed in the middle of a subway debate. We caught the overcrowded A train just as it was pulling away... one of those train cars so perfectly crowded that social boundaries crumble and strangers are holding onto each other because they cant reach the handles. The guy standing by the door was a tiny jacked black dude reading a book. Got room to read? Charmaine asks, as we settle in. Always. Crowded train, Gotta have something to do while you stand your ground. Whatcha reading? The Iliad. My favorite book. Everybody loves Achilles and thinks hes the strongest... but this dude Diomedes right here, thats my dude. Next stop... tall Latino dude with a plaid shirt gets on, jokes around a little with us, then points and says Ive got to get to the middle. Our classics-loving Kevin Hart stand-in reacts like hes been punched. The middle? THE MIDDLE? Yeah man, Im here til 125th street. Gotta settle in. Nah dude, you gotta be by the door. You gotta be able to duck in and out. I dont want to fight my way out. Where you going? 125th, just like you. And you wanna right by the door?! The whole time. Just reading this book. Im with him. Agrees Charmaine. Stay by the door. She Stand your ground. Nods the little dude Tall dude and I share a look like these munchkins are crazy. Im with him, I say, the middle is wide open. If youre gonna be on for while... Tall guy nods. May even be a seat there by 42nd street. How you gonna get over there? Little guy asks. Just ask people to move. Better moving once than moving every time the train stops. I add. Shit. Youre crazy. You both crazy. He goes back to his heroic epic, and we get off the train as the tall guy starts to struggle his way to the center. But the debate left me curious... So whose side are you on? Is it purely a function of height? On a long ride on a crowded train, where do you want to be?
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:12:46 +0000

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