While sitting at Health Plus getting the boys into see the doctor, - TopicsExpress


While sitting at Health Plus getting the boys into see the doctor, in a very crowded waiting a room, a woman came in with 4 kids ranging from 6-12 or so. The little one was the sick one, so while she was at the registration desk her 7-ish little boy began acting like an idiot hitting his brother and sister, kicking them, and just being a terror. Well he kept it up and of course they sat beside us, the final straw was this. His sister had a cup of ice, and spit ice into his hand, he then grabbed the cup and got up and began to kick and hit them again, his sister grabs him and the cup spills at my feet. Me being me...said Can you NOT sit down?!?!!...well needless to say the boy with fear in his eyes, opened the bathroom door to hide then came back out and had a seat. He never moved a muscle and was sitting in the same spot when we left...discipline is a dying art.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 03:13:12 +0000

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