While standards in general are deteriorating, Jehovah’s - TopicsExpress


While standards in general are deteriorating, Jehovah’s Witnesses view high standards of dress, conduct, and cleanliness as an obligation, a part of their worship and strive in that direction in spite of their imperfections. They know that their actions reflect upon Jehovah and their Christian brothers and sisters as well as their preaching work (John 15:8; Titus 2:7, 8) Thus during their big assemblies newspaper reporters intermingled with them and make write ups of their cleanliness, never seeing anyone light a cigarette, open a can of beer, or use profanity, Reporting the most well-behaved, modestly dressed, good-natured crowd of people and when they leave the area is cleaner than when they arrived.” For years similar comments about Jehovah’s Witnesses have been printed in amazement that such a crowd of people can congregate without the need of a police force to control the area and others to come in and pick up a trashed area after their big assemblies. That is because Jehovah God requires of all his servants to be holy, clean (1 Peter 1:16) “because I am holy,” he tells them. Jehovah mentions his own holiness, not as a standard to be equaled, but as a reason behind the commandment. In other words, Jehovah did not tell his imperfect worshippers to be as holy as he is. That would be impossible as he is “the Most Holy One,” superior to all others in holiness. (Prov30:3) However, because Jehovah is holy meaning clean in everyway, he expects his worshippers to be to the extent possible. So it is not surprisingly, in the book of Revelation, “bright, clean, fine linen” is said to represent the righteous acts of ones whom God considers holy. (Revelation 19:8) On the other hand, sin is often illustrated in the Scriptures by a stain or by dirt.—Proverbs 15:26; Isaiah 1:16; James 1:27. Jesus indicated the foremost reason why Christians should strive to imitate God when he told his apostles: “My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit.” (John 15:8) As we cultivate “the fruitage of the spirit” (Gal 5:22, 23), the results are plain to see in the way we speak and act; this, in turn, brings praise to our God. (Matt. 5:16) By holding to those standards, we can enjoy the best way of life possible (Isaiah 48:17).
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 07:40:33 +0000

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