While the American news media remain fixed on trivial things, such - TopicsExpress


While the American news media remain fixed on trivial things, such as what Lena Dunham has said about conservatives, and what she thinks is the problem with our nation (a clue is that she blames everything on conservative WHITE men - her words), and Cher has tweeted her foreign policy advice to the nation, the rest of the world seems to spiral out of control. Russia continues to back Russian separatists bent on dismantling the Ukraine at the least; at the most Putin desires a reunification of the territory that once comprised the Soviet Union, to include its Eastern European satellite nations. Over the course of the last few months, European news agencies such as Reuters have been running articles hinting that many politicians and governmental intelligence agencies believe that we are on the cusp of the Third World War. America, through a course of failed foreign policy since 2009 and the relinquishing of its role as the chief defender of the free world, has begun a campaign of military drawdown that the world has not seen since the end of World War I. President Eisenhowers promise of a strong American military force as a deterrent to Soviet invasion of the West has been tossed aside all because of a reset button presented to Russian President (and former head of the KGB) Vladimir Putin. The American military presence in Western Europe is merely a token force - a speed bump. As the United States continues its social, political, and military decay, let the world rest assured that when the Third World War does break out in open conflict around the globe, the United States will be asleep, much like it was in both previous world wars. Americans will be too consumed with what the entertainers of our society says, much like the many Americans who believed Charles Limburg in the early days of World War II (he claimed there was no point getting involved because Great Britain had already lost the war). May the world forgive our nation as it appears the light of liberty, equality, and dignity of man, begins to flicker out around the world. reuters/article/2015/01/15/us-ukraine-crisis-mobilisation-idUSKBN0KO10H20150115
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:50:33 +0000

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