While the Obama Administration INVESTIGATES itself, Chuck Schumer - TopicsExpress


While the Obama Administration INVESTIGATES itself, Chuck Schumer calls for the Democrats to DOUBLE DOWN ON GOING AFTER THE TEA PARTY... so once again, NO ONE WAS HELD ACCOUNTABLE OR PUNISHED and NOTHING WAS LEARNED by the Obama Administration. They continue to BREAK THE LAW, CHANGE THE LAW WHEN CAUGHT, AND PUNISH those who oppose them. NOW the Obama Administration goes after ANOTHER Film Maker... One has already been BLAMED for the Benghazi disaster and JAILED IN AMERICA = all based upon a LIE REPEATED BY HILLARY CLINTON & Pres Barack Obama and their sock puppets. HOW can our Media remain SILENT and LET THIS HAPPEN TO AMERICA and Americans?! HOW CAN HOLLYWOOD TURN A BLIND EYE and LET THIS HAPPEN TO a fellow film maker IN AMERICA?! How can WE THE PEOPLE NOT RAISE HELL TO SAVE DSOUZA FROM OBAMAS WRATH? I saw his movie and it was exactly what I gleaned from the books Barack Obama wrote! DSouza TOLD THE TRUTH... and Obama cant have that - he must punish the TRUTH TELLERS. Dont let this happen Americans!!! YOU watch his movie 2012 - Obamas America, READ Dreams from My Father... then KNOW FOR YOURSELF DSouza TOLD THE TRUTH with his film. TARGETING CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS IS NOT OK IN AMERICA!!! DEMONIZING THE RICH IS NOT OK IN AMERICA!!! INTENTIONALLY RUINING OUR NATIONAL ECONOMY & OUR HEALTH INDUSTRY IS NOT OK IN AMERICA!!! RUINING SMALL BUSINESS AND INTIMIDATING LARGE BUSINESS IS NOT OK IN AMERICA!!! SOCIALISM, MARXISM IS NOT OK IN AMERICA!!! YOU, voters... YOU decide with your votes what kind of future America and Americans will have... that is an awesome responsibility and it is on YOUR shoulders to do what is necessary to right this sinking ship before it is too late.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 05:14:09 +0000

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