While the church is busy dividing itself because of prejudice and - TopicsExpress


While the church is busy dividing itself because of prejudice and intolerance, the adversary is gathering his forces together from every corner of the earth for an all out attack. And though we know that the SAINTS of The Most High will triumph in the end, far too many are deceiving themselves by thinking theyre actually in good standings with their spiritual walk (those who are given to sin yet proclaim that temptation has overtaken them time and time again in moments of weakness) but are on a collision course with the foot of satans throne. The whoremonger cloaks his or herself with the title of Christian as a way of trying to conceal their wickedness... The prejudice Christian brother or sister that is disgusted by being around others that arent of the same race outside the walls of the church... The Christian who always has to be in everybodys business and loves to gossip but their own house is a mess... The Christian who idolizes other men, women or material things and serve them rather than The Lord God... Has the deceiver deceived you into believing youre already pursuing God diligently enough? But how can you put a minimal investment into anything and expect to come out on top? Your adversary which you serve faithfully as your master has asked permission to and is indeed already sifting you like wheat. Every hidden sin and every unaddressed iniquity within you, the accuser is gathering as evidence to be used against you at The Judgement. The torment you may be experiencing right now could be avoided! Yes, it could be caused to subside; but by your unbelief in the power of God, or that He really even exists, torment maintains its power to reign over your life. You have been given over to yourself. To do what you will with your allotted time on this earth. Shake off the mindset of being empowered by a title that few know the real meaning of and invest what little time you have left in forming a real relationship with God. Now when the thousand years have expired, satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. (Revelation 20:7-8 NKJV)
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:04:51 +0000

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