While the trailers of the new episode for Saturday look pretty - TopicsExpress


While the trailers of the new episode for Saturday look pretty good (great plot, seemingly entertaining) I am disheartened that the episode will feature Clara. You all know I have stated time and again, that I love this show, obviously. Why would I go to so much trouble to build such a thriving community if I didnt. It is also common knowledge that this admin does not have a fondness for the character Clara. It isnt that Jenna is doing a bad job or the writing (in my opinion) is even bad persay, its the way that she is written and the development of her character currently that has seeped its way up underneath my fingernails and burn like hot acid. Ok thats perhaps a little dramatic, but you get my drift. When Clara first started on the show, I was pretty ok with her. I told myself, Self, she seems to be a really amazing actor and I just wonder where they are going to take this character that became a Dalek and didnt know it. I patiently waited on the Ponds to make their final goodbyes and looked forward to seeing this Clara character again. As episodes unfolded, it became clearer and clearer to me that Clara was not who I had hoped she would be. Let me be clear, I didnt necessarily know what I hoped, but I knew I didnt want another whiney little leach with doe eyes like Martha who wanted nothing more than to get the Doctors attention and you could almost see her eyes scream, love me love me! (sorry to you Martha fans out there, thats just how I see it). So we wade thru the impossible girl story line. I have to tell you, its not one of my favorites but I have always been of the opinion that there will be a pay off in the end. This little story line that is so revolting in so many ways will have some satisfaction, and then we were given the 50th, and it did. I was not happy mind you, speaking of Clara and her character alone here..., but I was satisfied. I heard her character was going to develop more in series 8. So I had another conversation with myself, Self, here is the chance for her to not be so Martha like anymore, just hang in there. So I did, and she did develop to my surprise. Deep Breath was rather good. I was excited about the prospect of Clara becoming a solid companion. Into the Dalek came around, still a little happy, character progressing.... visions of the doe eyes wanting to hook up with the Doctor fading, and im rather pleased. Listen rolls around... and I realized, this character is too important. I mentioned on our podcast that if she did not settle down just a little bit, at her current rate of change in the personality department she was going to go too far to the other side. Guess what happened? For me it started with Time Heist and not even subtlly continued from there. Clara got entirely too big for her britches. She (FOR ME) crossed a line. Its not her nature, in my opinion, its simply she is behaving this way because she isnt getting what she wanted to start with and is acting out like a spoiled child. Granted now she knows she cant have what she wanted but since Capaldi came onto the scene, she has been slowly chipping away at his authority. She tells him what to do and throws fits when she doesnt get her way in the matter. To me, and its ok to disagree - this is my opinion, she doesnt respect him and treats him as if he is a child, HER child. She lied to both the Doctor and Danny to decide to stay on board the Tardis so that she can still keep her fingers in the pie... and now she will be given this amazing bit of rope in Flatline where SHE is the one that makes the decisions and SHE will save the day. I think that goes a wee bit too far in my humble opinion. I said that I think that the episode will be good, and it probably will be. I am just dissapointed in seeing that its Clara in her current state of amazing arrogance and self importance that will be taking the lead. I may feel differently after watching the episode, but thats my opinion as of right now. How do you guys feel about Clara? (remember to keep the conversation friendly!)
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:47:13 +0000

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