While the world focuses on the continuing massacre in Gaza, the - TopicsExpress


While the world focuses on the continuing massacre in Gaza, the Bush Crime Familys never-ending terror wars are still burning up the other end of the region. Remember when President Bush promised some kind of revised Marshall Plan to rebuild Afghanistan following the invasion to wipe out the Taliban? Well, it never happened. Seems there was much disagreement among the consiglieres about how much nation-building should be undertaken, and as a result there were not enough US forces to keep the peace or aid workers (and money) to rebuild the economy. Once our (corrupt) puppet leader Hamid Karzai was safely in power, the Bushies turned their sites to their real target - Iraq. Trillions of US taxpayer dollars and thousands of dead/wounded/traumatized US soldiers later and neither nation is free or secure. The vanity of would-be King George the Conqueror is stunning. Despite 5,000 years of notable history of the failed attempts by foreign nations to invade and conquer Afghanistan, Dim Son thought he was the chosen one. God told him to do it. It was his manifest destiny to get Mr. Taliban out of there and secure the nation for Democracy. And maybe a pipeline while he was at it. Now the Taliban is making a comeback, Karzai is in the midst of an election-fraud scandal, and today a US General was murdered and at least 15 more were wounded (including a German General) at an American military base near Kabul. The Wall Street Journal has more: A man wearing an Afghan military uniform gunned down a U.S. Army general and injured 14 other coalition troops at an officers school near Kabul on Tuesday, claiming the highest ranking American casualty in more than a decade of war in Afghanistan. Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, said the attacker, who was killed, was believed to be an Afghan soldier and not an outside insurgent wearing an Afghan military uniform. Afghan police and soldiers have periodically opened fire on coalition troops, fraying trust between allies. But Tuesdays attack was unprecedented in terms of how high-ranking the casualties were. Pentagon officials said the general was believed to be the first American general killed in an overseas combat zone since the Vietnam War. The number of such attacks on coalition forces crested in 2012, when at least 61 coalition troops were killed by Afghans in military or police uniform. Such green-on-blue incidents have been less frequent in recent months, as the coalition reduced its presence, and U.S. and allied troops took added precautions such as visiting their Afghan counterparts under the watch of guardian angels—or armed guards poised to shoot potential attackers. Adm. Kirby described such attacks as a pernicious threat that were impossible to completely eliminate. But he noted that Tuesdays incident on U.S. forces was now a rarity in Afghanistan, a fact he cited as an example of progress. Progress. Really? There is no end to the Newspeak these officials can sputter. A new green-on-blue attack that kills a two star general is progress. Good to know, Admiral Kirby. And in Iraq, the US trained Iraqi troops are ditching their uniforms in the street to fight with ISIS or attempt to blend into the civilian crowds. Hey, Kirby, is that a sure sign of success? The Pentagon officials quoted in the article are right to invoke Vietnam. Smells like the same quagmire. -KBM
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:30:17 +0000

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