While there is already a great deal of controversy surrounding the - TopicsExpress


While there is already a great deal of controversy surrounding the child-support issue, I am going to add my opinion to the mess because I can, and because its anonymous. So here is my diatribe: I pay child-support, and I love that I am doing my part to care for mine. I love them, and wouldnt want to see them do without because of me. HOWEVER, I would love to see a regulated system put into place that separates the money out into different accounts which have specific purposes, and cannot be used for anything else. I would love it if there was a card that was there specifically for contribution to utility bills, specifically for contribution to rent, specifically for the purpose of CHILDRENS clothing. Some say that this system is already too cumbersome, but I disagree. I believe that more fathers would be able to make the payment, and feel damn good about it if they knew that momma couldnt get her nails done with that money. Obviously liquidity is liquidity, and its easy to argue that the child support check is going to the rent, when its going into the same pool of money that is being used to pay for the nails, hair and clothing for momma to go work on making more babies. This settles the liquidity argument and is an equitable solution for everyone, because above all, it puts the children first. If a woman doesnt use the money from any of these cards within 1 year, the money should go into a trust fund for the child, that becomes theirs after they turn 18 and are no longer a part of the system. Feminism has won a battle against men with the child support system, with some very insane laws, such as taking away a mans drivers license, or incarcerating him if he becomes too delinquent on his payments. But they have lost a war over it, because it has turned many free thinking men, such as myself against their cause by revealing it as a way to hurt men, rather than empowering women. I realize that this is tangential, however I am going to spew it out while I am having my own little anonymous diatribe, because I can. If the feminist movement were legitimate, they wouldnt be so careful about the FGM issue, calling it religious freedom, they would be raising hell to stop the tragedy, but they arent. Instead we hear about the Ban Bossy crap. Alright, I have had my delirious rant, feel free to hate. 33/M
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 03:40:00 +0000

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