While this child custody case isnt in North, South or Central - TopicsExpress


While this child custody case isnt in North, South or Central America, it shows the same dynamic of family court cases in this Western hemisphere of this beautiful world. Listening to this Austrian mother present her second petition to the European Parliament to see her son, some in the United States might stop listening after hearing her use the words parental alienation. Some might then begin to think of which other words she should have used to describe being purposely alienated from her child instead of the words parental alienation. Some might then also reason away their not listening to the heart of what shes saying here. They might think there is no such thing as parental alienation because Mr. Richard Gardner, a now discredited psychiatrist, coined the term Parental Alienation Syndrome. They might recall that Mr. Gardner marketed his invention, PAS, as both medical condition and ploy in child custody cases to place children in the sole custody of their identified molesters and abusers. That detour into which vocabulary should or should not be used purposely - and sometimes inadvertently - takes the focus off of what each of us needs to do to respond to the epidemic of blatant corruption in family courts around the world. In 2014, as for the last several decades, family court attorneys, evaluators, mediators, reunifiers do as they please. Most act with no oversight, no accountability and total judicial immunity. Distraught mothers and fathers, seeing there is no law in family law, petition the local court first. Seeing no appropriate response, they proceed to a higher court, and higher courts still, going outside of national boundaries and seeking help from international organizations such as The European Union and The United Nations. The problem with that approach has been that, by the time the case reaches the international level, lower court employees and vendors have already twisted original facts of the case rendered in lower courts opinions. The lower courts opinions are now facts of each case and the original, actual, real facts of each case have been lost along the way. As a result, international review naturally leads to one solution: A thorough investigation of each case at the local level. As in this case: After this and a group of similar cases were brought to the attention of the European Parliament about a year ago, Members of Parliament formed a coalition. They traveled to Denmark to investigate and were promptly turned away by Dutch authorities. While petitioning international organizations might appear to be our last resort, thats not yet been a trustworthy solution. Each nation is a sovereign nation and so, can do whatever it wants to do. In the case of Maria Jose Carrascosa, a mother (and lawyer) from Spain, has been sitting in jail in New Jersey for the last eight years. Persistent follow through at the local level is where well find solutions. Persistent and follow through being the most important vocabulary for the purpose of family court reform. Ill post a few articles about the European Parliament response to this and other cases, as well as the persistent follow-through from family court advocates at the local level the comment section below. With reference to the persistent follow through at the local level, there is strength in numbers. In each state, the problem isnt which vocabulary were using to describe what happens in these cases. Its the small handful of family law attorneys, evaluators, mediators and reunifiers who blatantly ignore best practices, dragging out each case until children age out of the system. Moral of the story: Dont follow the vocabulary, follow the money.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:30:14 +0000

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