While waiting for my kids to get out of school I decided to walk - TopicsExpress


While waiting for my kids to get out of school I decided to walk the track rather than sit in the car line.....there is nothing in this world more healing to me than a quiet walk in the fresh air.....thinking back over the last year of my life it is apparent to me that God only puts certain people and certain circumstances in our lives that will shape the person in which we are to become.....Cancer for me (and my family) has been one of the many trials we have overcome.....from that first day that it was confirmed my goal was to not be a source of pity, but rather a source of proof that anything is possible with the right mindset.....I could easily blame cancer for the fact that I am now out of breath and didnt even complete a mile.....OR I can be proud that I was even able to take that first step towards regaining a healthy life.....so often we as humans tend to point the finger or place blame rather than realizing that we might not be able to run a marathon but we can give it our best shot.....this is not just for our physical health but our mental and spiritual as well....learning that I might not be able to do all the same things I could before chemo was devastating.....but guess what, they never said I couldnt do MORE!! I challenge you to take a good long look at your life.....look at what you have been thru.....look at where you want to be in a year....and quit making excuses.....this is my goal....will you join me?
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 20:16:25 +0000

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